Why the sounds of nature are so relaxing?

From the early beginning, people have been living, surrounded by a different kinds of sounds. Since the stone ages, the human ear is used to listen to the natural sounds, like birds in the forest, rain, sea, and storms. Nowadays, the number of noises, which we used to hear every day, are much bigger. Each day we are surrounded by noises of the city, cars, computers, mobile phones, laptops, all those are just making us existed. That is why it is extremely important to find a way of relaxation, and today we will talk about ways of relaxation in the modern world.

Is complete silence an excellent way to happiness?

An experiment, held in Hannover, shown that it is impossible to be productive in a situation where no sounds are coming from the surrounding. The architects have got a task to build a business center where no sound can come from the street. The walls were equipped with the highest level of noise isolation, windows with the triple protection and plastic panels, which in complex guaranteed the highest level of protection. In a week after first employees worked in the complex — everyone has been protesting that it is impossible to work in the complete silence. As a result, the administration equipped the building with the audio system, which plays street noise. In a few days, the working productivity had impressively increased.

Scientists concluded that sounds are stimulating the process of thinking. During the experiment two groups of people were working on the mathematical tasks, one group in the complete silence and the other one have been working with the sound of nature. The second group has completed the tasks faster, so the influence of sounds is obvious.

What is so special in the sounds of nature?

As mentioned before, for millions of years, the human ear is used to natural sounds, like birds in the forest, rain, storming, sea, and many others. And the sounds of the modern world are just depleting us. Everyone will agree that it is impossible to relax, listening to the noise of perforator. That is why we use each occasion to go outside the city. Just imagine the moment of relaxing somewhere, surrounded by nature, breezing fresh air, and listening to favorite nature sounds.

Even reading about this gives the feeling of relaxation. Unfortunately, not always there is a possibility to go out of the city, especially in the period of hard work, deadlines, and other important stuff, it surrounds everyone with. Here, natural sounds, saved on the smartphone, are an amazing help for everyone. With the help of Noiz.io, the only thing you have to do — to put on headphones, close eyes, open the window (for fresh air coming inside) and relax. The effect of such action will not be completely the same, as from going outside the city and spending time surrounded by nature. But that is a significant possibility to abstract from all the problems and gives a feeling of relaxation. Visit our website, download an application, choose your favorite sounds, and enjoy life!

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Noizio — focus, relax, sleep
Noizio — focus, relax, sleep

Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity.