New Year, New Problems for D.C. City leaders as No Justice No Pride refuses “Day To End Violence Against Sex Worker” Resolution from City Council.

‘There can be no resolution while Black and Brown Trans women are dying’; No Justice No Pride pledging disruptions to come in 2020 for DecrimNow Opponents and City Leaders.

No Justice No Pride


(Washington, D.C.) — Two weeks after rejecting a signed city council resolution for “Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers”, which was being gifted to No Justice No Pride(NJNP) by At-Large DC Council Member David Grosso; activists and organizers with NJNP and affliliated Trans and Queer groups in the DC Area are pledging for a new wave of disruptions to City Leaders who are failing Trans community members in the face of an epidemic.

The Resolution which was signed by all 13 members of D.C.’s City Council including imaginary progressive Charles Allen, ‘I patronize sex workers” Vincent Gray and staunch decrimnow opponent and Chair of Council Phil Mendelson. Of course the “Resolution” made no mention on how City Leaders will move forward to end the epidemic of violence against trans community members, most notably Black Trans Women and Sex Workers. Council Member Phil Mendelson who we visited in June had gone to lengths to shift blame onto everyone but himself.

“We reject these fake performative gestures, this city has the resources to stop these deaths, Ashanti Carmon should still be here, Zoe Spears should still be here, Angel Rose should still be here. City Leaders need to put their funding where their band aid solutions and public accolades and antics go.”

Emmelia Talarico, Organizing Director for No Justice No Pride proclaimed to a Council member Grosso staffer at the time.

In November, No Justice No Pride protested the offices of Michelle M. Garcia, the director of the District of Columbia Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants — Over testimony submitted against #DecrimNow on behalf of Mayor Bowser. “While acknowledging that Mayor Bowser may not be moved by protests from her constituents; activists with today’s protest feel that the people appointed by this administration may feel differently.”

No Justice No Pride has full intention on continuing actions against Bowser Appointed Agency heads in 2020.

Stay updated!

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No Justice No Pride

No Justice No Pride seeks to end the LGBT movement’s complicity in systems of oppression that harm LGBTQ2S communities. Old Account: