4 Noku insights you have missed

New features available, New platform coming soon, Blockchain World Summits.

2 min readSep 10, 2018


Welcome to our community weekly recap, where we sum up the main news from Noku.

Noku Custom ICO platform under development

Last week we announced the upcoming launch of the Custom ICO platform, dedicated to businesses and individuals who want to launch their customized ICO but don’t have:

· Coding skills

· Blockchain developers in their team.

Find out more!

Noku Swap now available on the Platform

For those who didn’t see it yet, you can now swap your ETH for NOKU tokens directly on wallet.noku.io.

Thanks to the new Noku Swap Service you can bypass the Exchanges and get Noku tokens directly from the Noku Platform 👉 https://bit.ly/2N1ZRh2

Coming Up: Blockchain World Summit in London

We announced last week that we are attending the Blockchain World Summit in London on Wednesday and Thursday this week (12–13 September). Anyone else is going? We hope to see you there!

The relationship between Blockchain and Banking System

As interest towards Blockchain grows, the biggest question is: will the traditional banking industry adapt to this new technology or be replaced by it?

We address the issue in one of our last posts: have a look and share with us your thoughts!

👉 https://bit.ly/2oS8zQq

Do you want to stay up-to-date with Noku’s news in real time? Subscribe to our new Telegram channel NOKU-NEWS and find out first all the exciting innovations we are working on! 👉 https://t.me/nokunews



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Play with cryptos at www.noku.io airdrop to all the accounts coming soon…