How can you deal with crypto volatility?
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

Crypto is falling, someone says the entire crypto market is crashing day after day: what to do now?

Just keep your fund safe and sound.

Let us explain.

Crypto volatility is a matter of fact

But it’s not something you have to fight. It’s something you have, instead, to take advantage of. The best thing you can do is to take advantage of the pump and dump: your crypto is pumped? Sell it. But how?

That’s where the stable coin comes in.

What is a stable coin?

It’s a cryptocurrency pegged to another stable asset, as the EUR or — back to the dawn of time — gold.

Being pegged to another asset makes this coin lowly volatile: tomorrow’s value will be very close to — or the same as — today’s value. A stable coin is global and exchangeable; resistant to market stress and not tied to a central bank, in any way. Not just a medium of exchange — like every cryptocurrency is — but also a reserve of value.

With a stable coin you can avoid leaving the blockchain and swapping the crypto for a fiat coin.

Imagine: the price of the coin rises due to an increase in the interest, what should you do? Sell your bitcoin for an excellent price; generally, you have 2 possibilities:

  1. You can place your sum on any exchange — but you do know how dangerous it is, and that you basically don’t really own that value.
  2. Or you can exit the blockchain (and the crypto ecosystem) and change that value to a fiat coin — it means, pay the capital gain.

A stable coin gives you a third possibility: swapping your crypto for another token.

Noku Stable Coin: a new multi-pegged stability

With Noku Stable Coin, you gain the opportunity to convert your original crypto into another crypto, but a stable one: a coin whose value is pegged to a fiat coin.

So you own a real value without the need of a physical coin, because our stable coin is not in the physical world, but it’s still on the ethereum blockchain. When you swap a crypto for a EURN or CHFN, you have the warranty that the value of your reserve will be always pegged to the physical currency you’ve chosen.

The correspondence is always 1 to 1:

· 1 EUR = 1 EURN

· 1 CHF = 1 CHFN

No volatility, no fluctuation. Only a stable reserve of value.

With Noku Stable Coin you can easily:

1. Pay

2. Save money

3. Trade

Noku Stable Coin is a fast, economic and efficient service.

You can use EURN or CHFN for making a payment in every kind of currency — as long as it’s digital. You can save money, storing your value and keeping it safe against the volatility of bitcoin and ethereum. You can peg digital currency to your trading system, and balance your fiat and crypto in real time.

And you will never need to:

· leave the crypto world

· enter and exit the banking system

· employ an exchange.


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