Noku Swap Service: get your NOKU tokens without an Exchange

A new feature has been launched on the Noku Wallet: an easy swap that allows you to bypass the exchanges and get Noku tokens directly from the Noku Platform.
2 min readSep 4, 2018


If you have tried to buy some NOKU (Noku Master Token) during the last months, the procedure you needed to follow was long and complex — the traditional process involving an exchange: you had to visit the exchange site, register a new account, transfer some of your ETH to buy the sum of NOKU you needed and then move the fund to your Noku Wallet.

The good news is that, from now on, you can avoid this process. We have developed a new feature that allows users to buy NOKU directly from the Noku Platform.

Thanks to the brand new Noku Swap service, you can instantly exchange ETH for NOKU and start using all the services offered by the Platform, such as the Custom Token service and, in the short-term, the Custom ICO service.

How to make the swap

In order to buy NOKU using the Swap service, you just need to:

  • log in to your Noku Account
  • unlock the chosen wallet
  • go to the “Buy Noku” section
  • enter the quantity of NOKU you want to buy (in “Receive Currency”) or the sum of ETH you want to convert (in “Pay Currency”)
  • make the transaction.

As you can see, it’s really easy and fast: try it now!



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