5 Easy steps on how to foster a puppy for the first time.
Every college student wonders if they should adopt a pet sometime during their college career. It’s hard to ignore how cute puppies are and sometimes you gotta just help a little guy out. So for how ever long you end up holding onto the little pup here’s 5 steps on how to properly foster the little bundle of joy you have in front of you.
1. Make sure you have a few places for them to sleep in
It’s hard to contain yourself when you first get your puppy that you almost forget about the fact your bed might be too high off the ground for them and they are gonna most likely sleep on the floor. Make sure to at least make a DIY bed out of a cardboard box with some blankets and towels in there to at least give them an option. But honestly they’ll just find any place to sleep in. Whatever makes them comfortable.
2. Make sure to always have their water and food bowls filled
So after conquering the first night with your new friend they are definitely going to be really hungry so always make sure to leave enough for the puppy to eat and drink whenever they need.
So people tend to think that raising a new puppy is all fun and games but what people don’t tell you is that puppy will destroy everything it can get it’s little tiny mouth on. Teething is an uncomfortable process for the little ones give them healthy things to teeth on like toys or bones not cellphone chargers or shoes.
4. Take your new pup outside and let them meet new friends!
Puppies naturally come out with a lot of energy and to prevent a lot of your stuff from being destroyed try bringing them outside they can run around and get a lot of that energy out. But also this is a critical point in their lives that they learn how to cooperate with other pups!
5. Show them as much love as possible
Wether your only holding onto the pup for a few weeks or just a couple days who knows you may end up being their forever parents. Show your new friend with so much love. If you show your new puppy unconditional love they will normally show that same love right back.