Nolus’ Mainnet Launch!

Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2023

On 23.05.2023 at exactly 3:00 PM UTC, our genesis validators breathed life into the Nolus chain and paved the path to creating a vibrant money market. The immediate question that will come to the mind of our community is, what happens next?

An integration with Osmosis will enable DeFi Leases shortly after genesis, allowing the network’s three main stakeholders to participate actively.

Firstly, the stakers — the defenders of the blockchain! Users will be able to stake NLS tokens with validators in the active set to participate in consensus. Staking NLS with a validator will earn users a share of network inflation and paid transaction fees.

Next, the depositors — the bankers of our fine society. As DeFi Leases will be live shortly after genesis, depositors will also be able to deposit their stablecoins to be used by borrowers to open DeFi Leases. Deposits will be taken in the form of USDC.axl as the stablecoin within the Cosmos ecosystem with the greatest liquidity. This may be evaluated in the future as penetration of different stablecoins changes over time, and subsequent to the launch of Noble, which will grant the Cosmos ecosystem native USDC.

Finally, the borrowers — the entrepreneurs of Nolus Protocol who will drive daily usage through the opening of DeFi Leases. At launch, we expect users to be able to open DeFi Leases with some of Osmosis’ most liquid assets.

If there are any specific assets you’d like to see, shout them out on our social channels! Being able to gauge the interest of our community in specific assets is extremely useful for us to support our decision-making.

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