Nolus: What’s Happened? Ep.2

Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2023

GM everyone, and welcome back to “Nolus: What’s Happened?” — have you missed us? For those that are new to this series, you can expect a summary of all Nolus-related information released in the last few weeks, providing you with a one-stop shop to #GetToNolus. It’s been just over 2 months since the last episode, so it feels rude not to start with some celebrations:

  • Merry Christmas!
  • Happy New Year!
  • Happy Tin Can Day!
  • Happy Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day!
  • Happy Create a Vacuum Day!

Yes, these are real things… As I write this, it happens to be “Proofreading Day”, so I better make sure there are no mistakes in this article.

My name is KP, thank you for joining me today — let’s get into this!

Rila Testnet Live

With over 50 governance proposals successfully passed on Testnet at the time of writing, Rila Testnet testing is well underway. Things started with governance proposal #12 where we upgraded the Testnet from v0.1.39 to v0.1.43, allowing us to push proposals for each major version of the Nolus smart contracts. Nolus is semi-permissioned, therefore each new contract must be added via governance proposal.

Previously, Nolus required 1 proposal for storing the contract and another 1 to instantiate it, however, with the passing of governance proposal #57 this is now much simpler. Instead of needing 5 props to migrate 5 contracts, this can now be done in one step to clean the process up. It should be noted that this is strictly for Testnet, and once Mainnet is launched all contracts will be up-to-date!

Now for the fun part — the money market contracts will soon be available to test on Rila! This will be the first opportunity to trial the Nolus product, and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Nolus Delegation Program Winners

Over the last few weeks, the team has been thoroughly reviewing every application for the Nolus Delegation Program. After careful consideration, the 25 that will share equal delegation from our main delegation pool, and the 6 additional validators receiving a delegation from our special delegation pool, have been outlined in this Discord announcement.

To view that message, you will need the Validator Role which you can get by clicking here. A huge thank you to all Validators that applied, and congratulations to those that were successful! If you need a reminder of what the Delegation Program is, you can read our announcement on Medium.

Crew3 Validator Campaign

At launch, Nolus plans have 40 validators in the active set, with 25 already outlined from the main delegation pool and 6 from the special delegation pool. This means the remaining 9 spots were up for grabs and filled with capable validators that proved themselves via the Validator Campaign! With a prize pot of 500,000 $NLS tokens, validators battled it out by completing validator-specific tasks including:

  • Set Up a Validator
  • Expose API
  • Set Up a Relayer
  • Provide Snapshots

122 participants were eligible to win the 500k $NLS tokens, and these have now been announced in this Discord message. I’d like to personally congratulate all winners and commiserations to those that missed out. But more importantly, a huge thank you to the mods that sifted through 1000s of quests and allowed this campaign to happen — you guys are heroes.

Oak Security Completes Our Second Audit

At the end of January, our second audit had been returned to the team by the esteemed Oak Security. Audits are vital for cryptocurrency protocols as they assess the security, reliability, and functionality of the system. They can help mitigate any risks by thoroughly reviewing the codebase and testing the protocol but also aid credibility by assuring users that the system has been vetted by independent experts.

Ultimately, audits are necessary to ensure the success and sustainability of Nolus, and we would like to thank Oak Security for their work. The audit report can be found here.

Twitter Space after Twitter Space after…

As the Mainnet launch quickly approaches, Nolus has taken over the Twitter Spaces world in an effort to expose new audiences to our products. In recent weeks, we have gone on Spaces with:

And many more! By clicking the names above, you can listen back to the Spaces in your own time and keep up with the discussion. Thank you to all the hosts for your time and passion, we really enjoyed these conversations.

New Nolus Official Emoji!

Every good protocol requires a good emoji, it’s almost obligatory. After great deliberation in the Nolus Discord, the emoji we decided on is… 🔅 The sun! There were a few reasons for this:

  • In the context of DeFi, Nolus represents the dawn of a new era in Finance, offering innovative ways to invest and grow your capital
  • Symbolic of energy, vitality, and growth
  • Bringing light to the traditional financial system’s flaws, resembling a new hope in a bright and optimistic future through transparency

We hope that you will join us in using this Emoji on Twitter and including it in your username to aid our outreach to other Crypto participants!


With the Mainnet launch fast approaching, I hope this article helps you appreciate the work that is going into making this a safe and enjoyable experience. From security audits to rigorous beta testing on Rila, the Nolus team has cut no corners to ensure our premier product lives up to expectations. We are so excited to bring you our money market with the world’s first DeFi Lease, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon for the next episode!



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Balls deep in Kujira, just the tip in TA