Goodbye. Again [Vietnam]

Hannah Gibney
Innate Experiences
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2018


3 months. 3 countries. 2 online courses. 1 new business.

23 amazing humans. Countless laughs, tears, take-your-breath-away moments, meals, heartbeats, songs…

The experiment which we all started on together in September simultaneously seems to have flown away from us and lasted a life-time [just as these things have a tendency to do]

Each month held its own distinct flavor and lessons, all while being held together under this umbrella of ‘The Nomad MBA’.

Trying to describe the life-changing nature of the ‘program’ is like trying to use words to describe sitting under the stars as the earth turns and you contemplate eternity.

I’ve sat here for the last week trying to find the words and failing.

The things I have aren’t tangible and I feel like you have to ‘have been there’ to understand or even be interested.

Having said that, I do know one thing. At the start of this journey I said yes.

And, on the brink of the New Year I want to once again encourage you to do the same.

Saying goodbye to our ‘Tribe’ was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. It was gut wrenching to know that we were each stepping out into the world with new vision but potentially a little less support than we have been used to.

Letting everyone fly free is somehow terrifying when you’ve created a bubble of existence that says there will always be someone around for a chat, or a coffee [or a bucket if you’re so inclined]. An existence that says you will grow, and we’re all going to help you do it. An existence that listens to your dreams and helps you to believe in them even if they seem totally unreasonable.

But then letting everyone fly free is also an expression of true love and trust that we are held together by something more than our physical location. Letting the great expansion of each person happen beyond even the amazing experiences of the Nomad MBA

So once again, as I say goodbye [something I’m obviously still learning about because I keep having to do it frequently] this time I think I realized even a bit more that it’s never a real goodbye. That it’s really closer to it’s original meaning ‘God be with you’.

So friends, God be with you until we get to be in the same location again. I can’t wait to hear about all the adventures He’s taken you on.

