Inside Nomad House with Ashmi: Lisbon 2017

This post is part of our series on Nomad House digital nomads, remote workers and creative entrepreneurs. These people make Nomad House.

Arthur Yeti
Blog — Nomad House
2 min readDec 30, 2017


First thing’s first, what’s your name and how old are you?

Ashmi — 26 years old.

And what do you do, workwise?

I’m a strategy and growth partner for startups.

Where were you before joining?

I was home in San Francisco.

What’s the one thing you would tell someone new to remote work?

Remote work is completely what you make of it — which can be terrifying and thrilling at the same time. It’s not all glamorous. You’re going to have days where you feel exhausted and lonely. It’s normal to think, “What am I DOING! What was I THINKING?!” Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and find a community of remote workers who will support you! Remember, you get to choose and create the lifestyle you want, day by day.

Which lessons will you be taking from Nomad House?

It’s so important to travel to your community. Find inspiring, like-minded people who are sharing a similar journey and befriend them. It’s possible to be productive and serious about work and fuel your thirst for adventure at the same time.

How has Nomad House shaped your future?

I feel lucky to have found Nomad House so early on in my remote career. It helped set a high bar for the types of communities and environments I want to find as I work and live abroad.

And a quickfire round…

Describe your gear setup [what do you take with you, your essential ‘in kit’ items]

I like to live on the edge, so I don’t even travel with an extra power bank. Just my carry-on with the bare minimum.

Describe your essential apps.

1 Second Every Day for creating compilations of 1-second videos from each travel day. Meditation apps like Simple Habit and Calm to stay grounded.

Where can people get in touch with you?

ashmi.pathela |

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