Inside Nomad House with Julia: Budapest 2016

This post is part of our series on Nomad House digital nomads, remote workers and creative entrepreneurs. These people make up Nomad House — they’re our family, and they make each Retreat unique.

Blog — Nomad House
4 min readJan 23, 2017


First thing’s first, what’s your name and how old are you?

Julia, 31 years old.

And what do you do, workwise?

Director of Sales at Craft Travel Group.

What was it that attracted you to Nomad House (or coliving in general)?

The chance to visit Budapest and experience a co-living retreat.

Where were you before joining?

All over! In between Miami (my “home”), Madrid, New York and Rio de Janeiro…but I came to Budapest after 3 weeks in Barcelona/Madrid

What advice have you found most helpful, since beginning to travel and work remotely?

Try to establish some sort of routine. Find one place you can work from where you know internet will be good and you’ll have limited distractions. Find one other person who is also looking to get shit done and partner up with them. If you are like me and get distracted by just about anything, you’ll need to try extra hard while traveling to be productive because there is ALWAYS something going on.

Which lessons will you be taking from Nomad House?

So many! First off, it’s amazing how many different people I met from all over with all different interests. I would have never met these people under other circumstances and I’m SO glad I did. I learned so much on both a personal and professional level by living and traveling with this talented, diverse group of like-minded wanderlusters. So I suppose the main lesson would be to always be open-minded and take risks. I signed up to NH Budapest without any idea as to what I was getting into. But it ended up being one of the best weeks of my life.

How has Nomad House shaped your future?

Being around people with so many different professional backgrounds and talents really helped me identify my own strengths and learn from theirs. For example, in talking so much about different ideas and projects I discovered during the retreat that I was much more creative and that I have more entrepreneurial qualities than I thought previously. And by learning about others’ backgrounds I could identify the skills that I definitely DON’T have and understand them a bit better so I would know what/who to look for when pursuing future projects.

How do you feel about this lifestyle now — how do you think it will grow, and will you be trying more coliving programs in the future?

100% more convinced that my life will always involve some mix of co-living/retreat/nomadic activity for the foreseable future. :)

And a quickfire round…

Describe your gear setup [what do you take with you, your essential ‘in kit’ items]

Protein bars- they are my travel must-have because nobody wants to see me cranky. Also sneakers and headphones so I can go running or workout anywhere. And some sleeping pills for those long flights.

Describe your essential apps.

WhatsApp, RunKeeper, American Airlines (I’m obsessive about my Executive Platinum status), Splitwise (discovered during NH Budapest), and of course Tinder. :)

Describe your travel stack [your preferred websites for booking travel].

Kayak, Skyscanner,

Where can people get in touch with you?

Instagram @julia.crafted, or Craft’s website.

If you’re considering a similar trip to find inspiration and a group of like-minded people, take a look at our Itinerary here. We’ll be passing through South America and Europe this year… will you be joining us?



Blog — Nomad House

Traveller // Writer // Creative // Content @outsiteco // Cofounded @nomadhouse