Inside Nomad House with Rick: Budapest 2016

This post is part of our series on Nomad House digital nomads, remote workers and creative entrepreneurs. These people make Nomad House.

Blog — Nomad House
3 min readApr 18, 2017


First thing’s first, what’s your name and how old are you?

Rick James! Chatas | Old enough to know better — 34 years young.

And what do you do, workwise?

I’ve worked as a designer for the past ten years. I’ve also just started a company for the first time.

What was it that attracted you to Nomad House (or coliving in general)?

When I was deciding to leave San Francisco and quit my job, I wanted my time off to be renewing but also productive. I knew I wanted to travel, but I thought that immersing myself with other would teach me more faster. I decided that I could always change things as well — as soon as I wanted to travel alone, I could. Why not try it out?

Where were you before joining?

I was home in San Francisco, but was coming to the end of my lease and job. It was time to ‘move’ somewhere.

What advice have you found most helpful, since beginning to travel and work remotely?

Assume it’s a team player scenario unless otherwise noted. I’ve been in group living dynamics where some thought it was supposed to be an ‘all-inclusive day spa’ with ‘staff’. Other are more willing to chip in and go with the flow. I’d hang with the latter. Other advice: bring home extra late night McDonald’s. Just because. Always.

Which lessons will you be taking from Nomad House?

Be open to people mis-understanding your ideas. 😀
Seriously. It can sound so perfect in your head sometimes, right? When they don’t get it, ask questions. Make it better. Ask yourself why you don’t like their response. We had several group sessions like this that I took more than a few lessons from. Also wear awesome costumes EVERYWHERE.

How do you feel about this lifestyle now — how do you think it will grow, and will you be trying more coliving programs in the future?

I’ve decided to be go location independent full-time for now. I’m taking design contracts and working on my own ideas along the way. I’m definitely not the only one. If you refine a marketable skillset, you’re on your way. There’s no reason why location independence shouldn’t grow. I’m definitely planning on another Nomad House trip in the future.

How has Nomad House shaped your future?

I’ve started my own company in part as a result of my time at Nomad House. If anything, my time with the group made me think harder about, “why not at least try?” It was an important time in my life and I’m grateful.

And a quickfire round…

Describe your gear setup [what do you take with you, your essential ‘in kit’ items]

15" Macbook Pro | Seagate 5TB Backup plus | Apple Wireless Magic Mouse | Yeti 18oz Rambler | MicroG | iPhone 7 | Galaxy S7 | Eagle Creek Cargo Hauler Rolling Duffel 120L | Other stuff

Describe your essential apps.

Sketch | G Suite | Social

Describe your travel stack [your preferred websites for booking travel].

Kayak | | I don’t go crazy must have need to find this special deal on ‘Ted’s website’ route.

Where can people get in touch with you?

@sayheyrickjames |

If you’re considering a similar trip to find inspiration and a group of like-minded people, take a look at our Itinerary here. Our next Trip is in Barcelona this summer!



Blog — Nomad House

Traveller // Writer // Creative // Content @outsiteco // Cofounded @nomadhouse