Inside Nomad House with Stephi: Budapest 2016

This post is part of our series on Nomad House digital nomads, remote workers and creative entrepreneurs. These people make Nomad House.

Blog — Nomad House
3 min readMar 22, 2017


First thing’s first, what’s your name and how old are you?

Stephi, 28 years old.

And what do you do, workwise?

UX Designer & currently student at Kingston University London

What was it that attracted you to Nomad House (or coliving in general)?

I thought about co-working/co-living to escape from the daily routine and discover something new. Nomad House offer a creative and dynamic environment. There are many opportunities for collaboration and it is an excellent chance to meet diverse and like-minded people.

Where were you before joining?

I just quit my job in Switzerland. After that I spent a couple of weeks at home in Liechtenstein to realise I needed to get away.

What advice have you found most helpful, since beginning to travel and work remotely?

Trust your own instincts, be open-minded, work hard & have fun.

Which lessons will you be taking from Nomad House?

Diverse and interdisciplinary teams can create amazing stuff together. Sometimes it is worth to take a risk. I didn’t know what I signed up for and this was my first time remote working. It was a refreshing experience with some inspiring people. Lesson learned: Always give it a go!

How has Nomad House shaped your future?

Nomad House gave me a great taste of how working remotely can be. Nomad House has helped me to open up, learn skills from others and follow my passion.

How do you feel about this lifestyle now — how do you think it will grow, and will you be trying more coliving programs in the future?

Definitely! This lifestyle is exactly what I was looking for. I cannot imagine my future without it even though at the moment I’m just a “part-time” digital nomad. I believe this lifestyle will maintain and attract a lot more adventurous and hard working people in the future.

And a quickfire round…

Describe your gear setup [what do you take with you, your essential ‘in kit’ items]

Sketchbook, macbook, waterproof backpack, sunglasses.

Describe your essential apps.

1 Second Everyday, Boomerang, Freeletics, Evernote and Dropbox.

Describe your travel stack [your preferred websites for booking travel]., or

Where can people get in touch with you?

Instagram @stephibatliner, or

Stephi Batliner

If you’re considering a similar trip to find inspiration and a group of like-minded people, take a look at our Itinerary here. Our next Retreat is in Barcelona.



Blog — Nomad House

Traveller // Writer // Creative // Content @outsiteco // Cofounded @nomadhouse