Inside Nomad House with Yoshi: Costa Rica 2017

This post is part of our series on Nomad House digital nomads, remote workers and creative entrepreneurs. These people make Nomad House.

Blog — Nomad House
3 min readApr 14, 2017


First thing’s first, what’s your name and how old are you?

Yoshi Yoshitani, 27 years old.

And what do you do, workwise?

Illustrator, Concept Artist, Designer

What was it that attracted you to Nomad House (or coliving in general)?

Gaining more world experiences, inspiration gathering is great for art!

Surf lessons, Nomad House Costa Rica

Where were you before joining?

Home, San Francisco.

What advice have you found most helpful, since beginning to travel and work remotely?

There are a lot of support communities out there! Just keep looking for them.

Which lessons will you be taking from Nomad House?

New ways of living.

How do you feel about this lifestyle now — how do you think it will grow, and will you be trying more coliving programs in the future?

Definitely looking even more into remote work and travel. I think it will continue to grow. I also think if we can get better at being nomadic, we’ll start creating smaller waste footprints because we have no where to keep this ‘stuff’

And a quickfire round…

Describe your gear setup [what do you take with you, your essential ‘in kit’ items]

Laptop and Wacom drawing tablet. If possible, it’s great to take a sketch book and gouache paints.

Describe your essential apps.

A puzzle app like Threes, and audio books after perfect for long bumpy traveling when I can’t draw.

Describe your travel stack [your preferred websites for booking travel]., or

Where can people get in touch with you?

Instagram @yoshiyoshitani, or

If you’re considering a similar trip to find inspiration and a group of like-minded people, take a look at our Itinerary here. Our next Trip is in Barcelona this summer!



Blog — Nomad House

Traveller // Writer // Creative // Content @outsiteco // Cofounded @nomadhouse