Welcome to Nomad Literature

Nomad Literature
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2018


Collage by the Editor.

Hello and thank you for taking a few moments to check out Nomad Literature.
I started this publication as a place on Medium to express yourself. The Guidelines are very basic — no explicit hate manifestos, I’d prefer pieces that deal with bringing people together instead. Having said that, all pieces will be given fair consideration upon being received.

As per Medium standards, I accept only original material. That material can take the form of photography, short-stories, poetry, political satire, drawings, anything creative, really. But please, original material only.

For the time being, I am accepting both new and previously published pieces. As I am still figuring out this Publication, I may change this. We’ll just have to see. But for now, feel free to send in your pieces, regardless of previous publication status.

Okay, so now we have all that out of the way. The following are the basic submission guidelines:

Email me (CG) at letsfly2000writer@gmail.com

  • Please include the Title of the piece.
    -If you are using a photo with your writing, please use proper credit. If you are unsure how to credit your photo, just let me know and we can figure it out together.
    -As I mentioned previously, let me know if your piece is new or published. At present time, this will have no impact upon whether the piece is published.
  • As I am the solo Editor at this point, please give me up to a week to read and review submissions.
  • Please perform basic editing on your piece before submitting your piece. If editing is not your strong-point, please do not let that discourage you in any way. Editing is something we can work on together. I will usually edit all submissions to shape and bring out the accents. These edits are strong suggestions, of course. We can always work on a “final” Nomad Literature version as a collaboration.

So, in closing, I do not want to intimidate any new writers or alienate seasoned authors. All creatives are welcome. Give it a shot. If you have a piece you are thinking of sending over but do not have a photo, that is typical of something I can help with. This is the ground level, let us create something great. I thank you again for reading & I thank you in advance for sharing your stories.

South Texas.

P. S. As time goes on, I hope to streamline this process, but I hope it works for now. All changes and alterations will be posted.

