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4 Ways Nomad Pass Inspired Me to Travel the World and Work Remotely

Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2017


Growing up in a small town of less than 600 people in North East Oklahoma for some may seem like a recipe for a typical life. A 9 to 5 dead-end job, a plethora of unsteady bills and debt debt debt. I always had an idea that there was a more exciting way to live.

I moved to San Francisco the summer of 2015 to work as Community Manager at a company called Startup Basecamp. Our mission was to simplify the lives of startup founders, providing them with the launchpad into Silicon Valley and all of its innovative minds. Through those ten months I met hundreds of inspiring CEOs, freelancers, doers and dreamers.

A few shots taken at Startup Basecamp San Francisco locations

I always knew I wanted to travel, but I was held back by a fear of the unknown. Just recently I have taken a call to action to begin traveling like it’s nobody’s business. I bought a one-way ticket to Berlin, packed a 10 lb bag, sold all my shit, said a few goodbyes and took off.

The inspiration that finally tipped me over the edge toward taking the great plunge was from Nomad Pass. After working beside most of their team while at Startup Basecamp I caught the travel bug. It’s highly contagious and this is one disease you don’t want to cure!

We have all of the potential in the world to go out and live an eventful and fulfilled life. But we don’t. Ironically enough, from talking with so many dreamers I’ve come to realize the one underlying truth behind all of the talker’s lack of doing; Fear. This great fear of everything is the burden that keeps us from acting on these passions. I’m not afraid anymore.

For those of you who don’t know, Nomad Pass is the platform that allows ANYONE to live, work and travel to magnificent locations all over the world through one simple website. The following are the 4 ways that Nomad pass and their team inspired me to take-off and travel:

1. Host accessibility is simple —

Before I was introduced to Nomad Pass I thought finding my community nomadically wasn’t a realistic option. Holy moly was I wrong! Finding places to stay with other traveling professionals has never been so easy. To say that this is the Airbnb for professionals wouldn’t do justice to how useful of a tool this is! Think Airbnb + LinkedIn + CouchSurfing (from a digital community aspect). The accessibility of a tool like Nomad Pass made it easier to make the jump.

Part of the Nomad Pass team, picture taken on Jan.2016 at We Work Transbay, first Speaker Series event!

2. With Nomad Pass the world is now smaller and therefore less overwhelming —

Making the transition from 45–50 hours a week on a set schedule to 20 hours a week of work plus the freedom to travel seemed unrealistic to me. I wasn’t sure where to even start. With Nomad Pass, I found to have all of the resources I needed just a couple of clicks away

  • Discounts on global co-working spaces in places like San Francisco, Bali, Mexico City and dozens more!
  • Updated events for me to network with local ecosystems
  • More travel tips and recommendations than I could ever need!

An example? One of the things I look forward to use the service called Workaway to immerse myself in new cultures. And I learned more about the tools and tricks of the trade on Nomad Pass’s blog.

3. There is so much more out there than this —

The status quo of a three wall cubicle never has a sustainable environment for creativity. People aren’t settling for the desk jobs anymore. In a digital world we now have the opportunity to work and travel from anywhere. The question is where to go?

The undeniable beauty of this platform is that it enables us to browse amazing hidden gems (coworking, coliving & beautiful locations off the beaten path) that we would never think about visiting on our own. Nomad Pass is to a freelancer’s adventure inspiration like Pinterest is to a giddy sorority girl’s crafting inspiration.

As a freelancer and blogger, I am always looking for a place that has reliable wifi and a coworking vibe and since the platform specializes in these types of destinations, I know I can rely on it.

4. Meeting other entrepreneurs is easier than ever —

Perhaps one of the scariest aspects of going out into the world on your own is the fear of being alone. Granted everyone needs some “me time” but no one wants to take on the turbulent trials and celebrate the successes of the entrepreneurial journey alone. With Nomad Pass, you have a community of other people just like you that you can reach out to for guidance, collaboration or (if you are working in, say, Bangkok at the same time) a cocktail.

Traveling to Europe has long been a dream of mine. I’ve always been keen on meeting new people and swapping life experiences with them. I’ve talked about taking this trip since high school but I haven’t worked to make it happen until now. Hell, I hardly traveled outside of Oklahoma prior to turning 17 and even then I didn’t go far.

Fear has always been holding me back. A fear of not having enough money. A fear of not being able to make friends. A fear of not making something of myself and letting my loved ones down. Then this and that happened and I finally realized that it’s now or never.

Now I am hitchhiking and couch surfing Europe with no end in sight. I am gaining as many cultural experiences as I can and blogging about them! Living each day at a time, working to travel and enjoying every minute.

Dan is the former Community Manager at Startup Basecamp in San Francisco.

He is currently freelancing and traveling the world, you can follow his experiences on his travel blog the Floating Tipi.

Nomad Pass, currently in BETA, enables professionals to work remotely from anywhere around the world. We find you the best places to live and work from around the world and match you with like-minded individuals, wherever you are.

Read what we are all about here.

If you are interested in guest blogging for us or contributing to the project, email us we would love to hear from you!

