Hiring for Remote Team Members

Nomad Pass: Company Retreats Made Easy
Nomad Pass
Published in
7 min readNov 29, 2016


Running a company is hard. Even harder than that, is finding the right people to work with. Before looking at remote candidates, we go over our hiring outline, sticking to the same process to ensure nothing gets overlooked. Hiring remote teams can be similar to the normal 9–5 job’s hiring process, but one thing that stands out is the difference between true freelancers and 9–5'ers. The difference? Freelancers can’t lean on just ‘showing up’. You’re worth what you produce, thus, remote jobs mean the ability to stick to a process, so the rest of your team can depend on you to do things the same way, every time.

Figure out the person you’re looking to hire, exactly

At So Fetch, our biggest percentage of team members are developers and designers. Since we’re developers and designers ourselves, we know the places we hang out, so we start there. As a company, it’s easiest to do business with people like you, because like-minded individuals rarely miscommunicate. If we’re attending a meetup or hanging out in Slack rooms for specific technologies we like, we’ll most likely find people like us there.. That’s where we go. Someone like you will gel with your team, and that’s what you want if they’re going to be working with each other every day. At the end of the day, after finding someone like your team you need to narrow it down to just one skillset, and target that.

Sign up for the meetups that people attend that have the skillsets you’re looking for

Go over to Meetup.com and join the meetups related to you/your business. While you’ll get booted in a heartbeat for posting a job opportunity, there’s no rule against attending meetups and actually meeting up with people who could be a great fit. For some this might not be a possibility, depending on just how remote you are, while for others, local hires can add fun to working remote-but-together. This is a no-brainer. Create a login, do not pass go, do not collect your $200.

Slack can be invaluable

As far as finding tech savvy people, some will be in Slack chatrooms. As a remote company that operates with Slack daily, finding someone who is comfortable with communicating in various ways is towards the top of our list. People already in Slack know how it works, are typically good with adapting technologies, and are already having conversations about the same things we do. Slack is a great place to workshop with people and see if you can even have a conversation over a simple text-based medium with them. This shouldn’t be strictly enforced, because if someone isn’t great at text-based communication, but are good communicators and great learners, Slack is a teachable tool. The key is finding remote hires who can learn to communicate better with remote tools, and have the drive to do so with no supervision.

Make it easy for people to tell you about themselves

In the early days of our company, we were emailing friends and everyone else in our network asking them to tell us what they were proficient in. We would setup a phone interview manually and sift through tons of info. We ran into problems immediately.. What happens when 200 people give you there information? Without a system in place to collect information, you lose track so fast. We developed a Google Form — and we still use it to today. Google Forms takes all the information entered and dumps it into a behind-the-scenes spreadsheet, making it extremely easy to view all applicants at a glance.. and it’s free to use. Create a Google form and attach it to a simple link to get potential team members started.

Prepare 3–4 questions to ask on a phone interview

After the first phone interview or two, I realized there wasn’t a uniform way to recognize quickly how each person differed from the last. I kept asking the same type of questions over and over again. I needed a way to remember exactly what I was asking and most importantly: why I was asking. This makes it fair for everyone, and they all get the same question delivered the same way.

This is where your expertise comes into play. Being a developer myself, I know the answers I gave when I really didn’t know what was going on. I can ask questions and see if I get those answers with the candidate. Depending on your field, you can base your questions around the answers you’re looking for, and see how they respond. Keep your questions consistent across all candidates, otherwise, you may be giving an unfair advantage over potentially invaluable team members.

Hire fast, fire faster

Moving fast and efficiently is a core strategy for So Fetch. We keep this principle when hiring someone after the interview call. Mark Suster said ‘hire fast, fire fast’ and this tactic has saved us countless hours. It’s very hard to practice at first — no one wants to fire anyone, but it’s how you keep your company standards high, and protect your business. We usually have a 2–3 week probationary period, sometimes less, if we spot a red-flag immediately.

Always improve the questions

The more questions we ask, the more we realize they should be asked in a slightly different way. When this happens, we immediately update our hiring process documents, so that next time we look to hire, the process is the latest and greatest. Hiring remotely means you have to ask twice as many questions as you would with someone you’re interviewing in person. If you haven’t improved your interview questions recently, you could be missing out on the sharpest people in the hiring pool.

Hire self-starters

No one’s watching over your shoulder, and the same rule applies to your team. Hiring someone who doesn’t need a set of eyes on them should be a no-brainer, but we’ve seen plenty of companies struggle with finding dependable people. A good rule of thumb is: if they aren’t able to complete what they said they would in standup on a regular basis, they could have a problem staying self-motivated, or sticking to their schedule.

Everyone learns differently, but don’t stray too far

Remote hiring comes down to finding out how fast someone can learn, since required skills sometimes change over time. Hiring someone who has a good foundation of skills and a great attitude about learning can be more valuable than hiring an expert that isn’t open to varying ideas. When experts work remotely, they tend to stick to their own ways of working, as opposed to finding ways to fit into your team. Look for individuals who like to take action, and prioritize the list you give them. By hiring for emotional intelligence vs. strictly required skills, the transition will be more seamless, and your new team member will have an easier time learning your way of doing things. Try to find out quickly if your candidate can easily understand how you teach by outlining a small weekly process. See how well they can follow it within the first days of hiring them. If not, it might be a waste of time for both of you.


We’re always experimenting with certain parts of our process, you should be too. If you get stuck, feel free to share your question, and we’ll be happy to offer our experiences with you on a solution. Good luck!

Corey Grusden runs an agency that builds software for people with ideas and large Fortune 500’s that need a little extra help. You can find more information at http://sofetch.io

Nomad Pass, currently in private BETA in San Francisco, enables professionals to work remotely from anywhere around the world. We have listings of unique places around the world where professionals can live & work from and a community of professionals to connect to wherever you are. Read what we are all about here and sign up to get the next invite code!

