Photo by Jordan McQueen

Technology is Redesigning the Workforce of the Future

Nomad Pass: Company Retreats Made Easy
Nomad Pass
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2016


By Gráinne Logue

I’m writing this from Toronto, Canada, where I work remotely with Buckets, a startup based in Seattle, USA. Originally, I am from Ireland. Before moving to Dublin as an adult, I went to high school in a small town called Donegal. It’s actually referred to as ‘secondary school’ back home, but I’ve long since learned how to switch up my vocabulary to cater to a wider audience; an audience that now spans across countries I’ve never even visited myself, one that is reachable primarily through advancing forms of technology.

Take a moment to think about that.

This amazing piece of technology I’m using right now allows me to connect with people from all over the world every single day, and it takes mere milliseconds to do so.

1. Higher Productivity

When you get to do what you love to do, and when you feel like you’ve done your very best every time you complete a project, the whole concept of ‘work’ goes out the window. It’s the difference between banging out a task at 4pm when you’re feeling sluggish and drained, or picking it back up at 8pm instead, when you’ve gone for a workout and woken yourself up. Guess which scenario will be the more productive one?

When your work is flexible, it simply becomes a part of your daily life that you have to manage, rather than a ticking time bomb that’ll explode if you don’t get things done by 5pm. The world won’t end if you take a time out to enjoy life and — with a bit of work flexibility, and technology — your job won’t go anywhere either.

2. Remote Work Is The New ‘Work’

Back in 2003, I was still reeling in amazement at the emergence of email and cameras on mobile phones. Nevermind internet. In 2003, technology that invented my job didn’t even exist yet. My job as a remote worker didn’t even exist yet. Crazy, right?

In 2016, not only does my job exist — but there are countless other positions that have arisen alongside the internet of things and many more that are being created every day as technology continues to evolve. What’s even more important is that this work is becoming more accessible to talented employees who may have previously been overlooked due to location bias. Many employees these days don’t have a fixed location at all! Just search for #digitalnomads on Twitter and you’ll find people using technology to do the work they love whilst doing the things they love — all over the world. With increased globalization and openness to remote work, companies will continue to benefit from allowing workers to work outside of the office.

But flexible work isn’t all about backpacking in Bali and packing up your SUV to hit the road. It’s about simply having the option to work remotely when you need to, or when you want to. It’s about escaping the confines of a cubicle for a coffee shop, taking control of your day, and embracing new ways to stir your creativity when it’s been stifled for so darn long.

It’s about busy working parents who actually want to see their kids grow up, and people with disabilities or health issues who want to work but just need the means in place to do so. And, when it comes to working relationships, it’s about trust, empathy, tolerance, and mutual respect — all things that you’d never find in an old school micro-management environment.

3. The 9 to 5 Is Fading Fast

The 9 to 5 is on the way out and work flexibility is on the way in. Online project management systems, such as Buckets, allow remote workers to collaborate and communicate with colleagues and clients from anywhere — at any time — and this is the type of technology that’s the driving force behind the workforce of the future as it includes the flexibility to instantly access files outside of the office whenever they need to. With the option of work flexibility, we can each create our own personal workflows that are tailored to our individual productivity ‘happy hours,’ working styles, and sleeping patterns. In fact, Bloomberg recently quoted a study from the University of Minnesota, which revealed that: ‘when workers have control over their own schedules, it results in lower levels of stress, psychological distress, burnout, and higher job satisfaction.’ Hardly surprising, is it?

The bottom line is that technology is actually making us more human, by allowing us to create a life that gives equal consideration to both our work and professional endeavors.

Gráinne Logue is a Content and Social Media Manager with ; a task management and collaboration platform for professionals and non-professionals alike. She found herself navigating towards remote work and freelance 2 years ago and since then, her life has improved significantly due to the freedom and opportunity that remote work has provided. You’ll find her over on Twitter @grainnelogue, and you can check out what’s happening in Buckets @bucketdotco.

Nomad Pass, currently in private BETA, enables professionals to work remotely from anywhere around the world. We have listings of unique places around the world where professionals can live & work from and a community of professionals to connect to wherever you are. Read what we are all about here and sign up to get the next invite code!

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