Why travel matters

a letter to the traveler inside of you…

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Have you ever questioned yourself why we actually love traveling so much? Why does it matter? Why does it mean so much to us to go out and explore the world?

Our answer: because it makes life memorable.

Life is a gradual search looking to collect a handful of memories. The truth is most of it is forgotten instantly almost as it’s happening. Studies have found that we only remember on average 3 days out of the month. So what happens to the other 27? They are lost in routine.

When you travel every moment becomes unique. Travel makes our lives memorable.

Based on these thoughts we’ve created this video sharing clips from our last big trip all through Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, USA in 5 months.

Our crazy team exploring Bolivia, Salar de Uyuni

About NomadApp.co: We’re building an app that helps you find your travel destination based on your budget.

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