Top Social Media Marketing Trends for 2020

Jake Woehlke
Nomadic Jake
3 min readApr 12, 2020


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

This year has certainly been a wild one so far, and we’re not even halfway through it!

The coronavirus pandemic and its resulting economic and entrepreneurial stress has got a lot of people wondering if social media marketing is still worth it and I’m here to say… absolutely yes. Businesses still need to operate and make money, and they need a committed customer base to do that. Social Media marketers are still the go-to people to help make that happen, and I’m here to share some information on what trends are going to help you reach your customers and connect with them.

Number one: Video video video!

It’s no secret that video is the top social media marketing trend this year. From the explosion of vertical video to the embracing of vlogging as a prime content format, video is where it’s at. Figure out where your customers consume video and start drafting a strategy to meet them. Primarily interested in younger millennials and Gen Z? Get on TikTok and Instagram Stories. Have an older clientele? Start posting videos on Facebook. And if you’re more into long-format videos chock-full of helpful information, be sure that you’re utilizing Youtube.

Number two: humanizing your brand.

If you’ve seen video ads from Facebook recently, you may have noticed something interesting. Facebook’s ads feature user-generated content almost exclusively, and don’t cover things you’d normally expect from a tech company (like new features or glossy interfaces). Facebook (and other tech companies) are leaning into the more human side of what they do, and its paying off. Current and potential customers are looking for connections more than ever before, and businesses are working to bring that to them. By showing off the human side of your business, you’re helping to craft a connection with your customer base that will persevere through thick and thin.

Number three: Podcasts.

It ain’t for the hipster set anymore; the explosion in podcasting over the last two years has been unprecedented, and it is becoming a trend that will keep on paying dividends for the months and years to come. By creating and putting out a podcast, brands and influencers can work to build brand loyalty, cultivate authority status in their respective fields, and provide easy-to-digest evergreen content that can be consumed even when customer eyes are away from their screens.

Number four: social customer service

Brands are increasingly recognizing that their customers aren’t willing to send emails all that much anymore. In fact, they’re even less inclined to use the phone as well. Which leaves companies with a dilemma: how can they make sure that their customers can reach out to them whenever they need to? Enter “Social Customer Service”. Businesses large and small are now embracing social media networks as ready-made customer support platforms; able to connect and assist customers wherever they are. From Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp to Twitter DM’s and Instagram comments, social customer support helps brands to assist users wherever they may be.

Number five: Tiktok (sorta)

I know, I know… It’s still relatively new and seems to only be for Gen Z and young millennials. But hear me out: if you’re a brand, personality, influencer, or entrepreneur, TikTok is the Wild West of social media platforms. Meaning that we still are trying to get a handle on it, but there could be gold in these (virtual) hills. Short-form video is being devoured on the daily, and TikTok’s algorithm is showing some promise as a very intuitive way to deliver relevant videos to the relevant audience. So tread lightly, but still… use it. And even try participating in a dance trend or two; I won’t judge you.

This is a transcript from a video posted to Jake’s Youtube channel for Nomad in the Middle:



Jake Woehlke
Nomadic Jake

Creator, marketer, and support consultant taking time to become a financially independent digital nomad. Come wander with me. //