The Beginning

Nomadic Sanel
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2015

If you’re coming to my blog you may already know a thing or two about me. For those of you that don’t, my name is Sanel Selimovic and I am a UX designer living in San Francisco.

This blog is about sharing my journey to find my center, my happiness and discover the world through a different lens. A self-actualization trip in a way. It sounds self-centered and maybe even ridiculous and privileged but that’s what I’m doing.

Like with any of my favorite adventures the roads are not paved and I’m going to wholeheartedly embrace that. Not many people on this planet are lucky enough to be able to do this and in a way it feels my entire life has led to this one point. It is a perfect conflation of circumstances and I feel at the most comfortable point in my life to take this on.

The Outline

This is my general outline I plan to take. From mid-November I intend to sell and store all my possessions and pack up what remains into my car. From that point I strike off for the following cities and I plan to stay at each one for an indeterminate amount of time, simply taking in the best of what it has to offer in terms of people, environment and most importantly food.

There are no dates, no commitments and only uncertainty and that’s the fun part. I will take it all in as long as I want or feel I’m getting something out of the location.

US Leg of my trip starts in San Francisco and from there I go on to:

  1. Los Angeles
  2. San Diego
  3. Las Vegas
  4. Phoenix
  5. Austin
  6. New Orleans
  7. Omaha

From Omaha I plan to take my more serious part of the journey. I’m leaving my car with the family to move to Japan and from Osaka or another town I will explore everything it has to offer.

  1. Japan
  2. Seoul, South Korea
  3. Brisbane, Australia
  4. Sydney, Australia
  5. Hobart, Tasmania
  6. Auckland, New Zealand
  7. Bagan, Myanmar
  8. Istanbul
  9. Athens
  10. Rome
  11. Madrid
  12. Barcelona
  13. Lisbon
  14. Paris
  15. London

Thanks for joining me and keep checking in.

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Nomadic Sanel

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there.”