How to get free and travel the world

Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2018


Ten years ago I had a dream. I was sitting in a coffee shop at a startup meetup. My longtime friend Linda had asked me why I wanted to be a programmer. I told her simply: I wanted to be free. To see the world, to experience new things. To experience life fully while I could. I don’t really trust all that afterlife stuff — we only get one shot at this. This is your life, tick tick tick…

To stay in one town your whole life is the global equivalent of being a crazy cat lady. Those of us blessed to live in this age of miracles should leverage it as much as we can. It turns out I didn’t need to be a programmer to travel. I got lucky, as I love programming but I could have moved abroad nearly immediately — and I wish I had.

I’ve tried to help my friends move abroad but it’s just too scary. They worry financially, socially, physically. They want to move yet their mind is so clogged with fear they become paralyzed. Perhaps this happens to you?

If you yearn for adventure, for growth, or for freedom — Let me help you.

We’re gonna do this in baby steps.

The things you own, end up owning you.

I remember watching Fight Club, and while Tyler Durden was crazy he was also right. The things you own do end up owning you. And the debts you carry in…

