Published in
1 min readSep 17, 2018


Nomadpick Weekly — A Complete Cost of Living for My First Year of Travel | Best Onward Ticket, Workaway, and more new resources.

This week on Nomadpick Weekly

Workaway — Resource

Workaway allows members to contact one another to organize homestays and cultural exchange.

Best Onward Ticket — Resource

Buy a temporary flight ticket for $8 that is valid for 48 hours and use it as an onward flight to enter a country or obtain a visa.

HomeExchange — Resource

Use your home to save thousands when you travel. Browse 65000+home exchange and house swap listings in 150+ countries.

GuesttoGuest — Resource

Use GuesttoGuest to Home exchange with more than 400,000 homes in 187 countries.

A Complete Cost of Living for My First Year of Travel — Article

Between travel and living costs — you know, food, household items, toiletries, a dentist visit, all that — the total comes to $10,139 USD and a few pennies.

OnwardFly — Resource

Get international flight tickets with your name on them to use as temporary proof of onward travel plans when you travel abroad.

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