Paxos Standard (PAX) Audit Report

Our audit report on PAX.

Nomic Foundation
Nomic Foundation
7 min readSep 10, 2018



We conducted two security audits of the Paxos Stablecoin system, Paxos Standard (PAX), and no vulnerabilities were found.

The first audit was done on commit3ae8f013411bed5acf6585ba353c5878b480d94 and the second audit was done on 213996cbff621a4e513e75f542ede18989, which can be found in the Paxos repository.

Additional recommendations were made around the implementation and the Paxos team has responded to them below.

Audit results

Critical severity

No critical severity issues were found.

High severity

No high severity issues were found.

Medium severity

No medium severity issues found.

Low severity

No low severity issues found.

Comments & recommendations on 3ae8f013411bed5acf6585ba353c5878b480d94

  • Consider using pragma experimental “v0.5.0”, as it’s been recommended by Solidity since version 0.4.21. This pragma opt-ins to upcoming breaking changes.

Update from Paxos: We have considered adding the experimental pragma in addition to the version one that we already have. Since adding the additional pragma makes us more likely to work consistently with future versions we have added it in our implementation contract. This way in the event that an upgrade of the implementation contract to a future version of solidity is necessary to get a security fix we are more likely to have the new contract be consistent with the state created by the old contract.

  • StablecoinImplementation#initialize returns an unused boolean. The intention for doing so is not clear. We recommend documenting it or removing the return value.

Update from Paxos: The boolean was meant to indicate whether initialization succeeded, but require was used instead. We have now removed the unused boolean.

  • StablecoinImplementation#setSupplyController and transferOwnershipemit events before modifying the state. We recommend using the Checks-Effects-Interactions Pattern in every function that modifies the state.

Update from Paxos: The Check-Effects-Interactions is standard pattern. However, emitting events are not interactions with other contracts but simply something added to the event log. Since emitting the event after setting the new owner would require keeping a copy of the old owner (and similarly for the supplyController) we have left these functions the same.

  • StablecoinImplementation#setSupplyController doesn’t check that _newSupplyController is not 0x0, which can lead to accidental misconfigurations in the system.

Update from Paxos: Checking that the address is not the zero address is a standard safety check for the assignment of addresses. We have added this check as recommended.

Notes on ERC-20 compatibility

ERC-20’s functions allowance, approve and transferFrom are not present.

Removing these functions will decrease the interoperability of the token, as most contracts dealing with ERC-20 use them. For instance, the 0x protocol uses them to execute trades without getting custody of the users’ funds.

Paxos provided us a system design document that links to an explanation about why they are not needed. We consider the explanation to be incomplete. Before EIP-150 this was the only safe way of getting a contract to transfer an user’s funds, and after it new alternatives appeared. But some alternative is needed, just removing them prohibits many use-cases. One example alternative is ERC-223. But none of them has been widely adopted, so ERC-20 is the safest choice.

The design document also mentions the withdraw pattern in this context. We want to clarify that this is not relevant to ERC-20 tokens. When transferring ETH or an ERC-223 token the receiving account can execute arbitrary code, leading to many possible attacks (see The DAO hack). The withdrawal pattern aims to isolate transfers because of this. ERC-20 tokens don’t call the receiving account, so it’s not affected by this class of attacks.

Update from Paxos: The 0x protocol is a good example among many use cases for the approve/allowance/transferFrom pattern in ERC-20. We have added standard implementations for these three methods.

Notes on the Proxy Pattern implementation

The Paxos Stablecoin uses an implementation of the Proxy Pattern with Unstructured Storage. This implementation has some unique properties that can lead to confusion, and one of them may increase the attack surface of the system.

Inlined interface in the proxy

The token implementation’s interface has been copied into the proxy contract. We understand that the purpose of this is to have a single ABI definition json to simplify the interaction with the system.

The problem with it is that the proxy’s interface can’t be changed in the future. If a function is added or removed from the implementation, the interfaces won’t match anymore. This situation would be more confusing than not inlining the implementation and having to deal with two ABI definitions.

We consider that it’s possible that the industry adopts new extensions to the ERC-20 standard in the future, leading to changes in the token interface and making this issue relevant.

Update from Paxos: The interface declaration on the proxy has been removed. The purpose was to make the ABI for the proxy simple and easy to support. However, since the ABI for the proxy can be specified and possibly changed after deployment the standard route is more flexible.

Mixed responsibilities of the proxy and its implementation

StablecoinProxy#upgradeTo doesn’t implement the actual upgradeability, but delegates the responsibility of doing so to the implementation. This makes the system harder to understand and test in isolation. Furthermore, if a new version of the implementation breaks the upgradeTo functionality it won’t be fixable.

The proxy also delegates the authentication of upgradeTo to the implementation. We consider that it should be part of the proxy.

Refactoring this can lead to a simpler system, as there wouldn’t be a need to access the proxy’s implementation field from the actual implementation.

Update from Paxos: Based on all of the feedback on the proxy, and the desire to do something nearly standard, we are switching to zeppelinos/zos-lib AdminUpgradeabilityProxy, which stands on its own.

The owner role has too many responsibilities

StablecoinImplementation has an owner role that has some administrative privileges on the system (ie: pausing/unpausing and reassigning the different roles) and is responsible for managing upgrades.

We believe that these responsibilities should be split in two different roles, one to administer the system, and another one to upgrade the system. The reason for doing so is that the former can be used during normal operations, and the latter is the most critical part of the system and rarely used. Assigning these privileges to the same role means exposing the upgrade mechanism every time an admin task is done.

Splitting these into two separate roles would lead to a cleaner implementation, as there wouldn’t be a need to access the proxy’s role from the implementation.

Update from Paxos: See below. We now have an additional admin role for upgradeability and the owner is purely responsible for pause.

Upgrades are not atomic

The proxy offers no way to upgrade its implementation and migrate its storage in a single transaction. This functionality is needed to enable future upgrades that can’t work before some migration logic is run.

Not changing the implementation and running the migration logic in a single transaction can lead to users interacting with uninitialized parts of the contract.

Update from Paxos: AdminUpgradeabilityProxy has upgradeAndCall for precisely this problem.

Other recommendations

Consider using one of the available implementations for upgreadability instead of implementing your own. We highly recommend using ZeppelinOS Lib.

Update from Paxos: we have taken this recommendation. AdminUpgradeabilityProxy from ZeppelinOS stands on its own and is failsafe against bad upgrades. We can no longer update the methods on the proxy, but they are only callable by the admin.

Comments & recommendations on 213996cbff621a4e513e75f542ede18989

  • PAXImplementation#initialize sets initialized = true before the contract is completely initialized. There is no problem in the current setup, but it’s a best practice to do it at the end.

Update from Paxos: We have followed Nomic’s recommendation to set ​initialized = true last in ​initialize.

  • PAXImplementation#setLawEnforcementRole doesn’t check that _newLawEnforcementRole is not 0x0, which can lead to accidental misconfigurations in the system.

Update from Paxos: We have decided to initialize ​lawEnforcementRole to ​0x0 and have left the ability to set it to ​0x0 in case we no longer need to use the role or do not have a party identified to use it. The ​lawEnforcementRole can also be set by the ​owner, allowing Paxos to set the role whenever necessary.

Notes on law enforcement policies

Being able to freeze the systems is a desired capability to keep the token KYC friendly.

However, the current implementation doesn’t protect against front running. A highly sophisticated attacker might observe non-settled freeze attempts in the blockchain and race it with a transaction to transfer the coins from the being-frozen address to a second address in a cat-and-mouse game.

The contract has the capability to pause the transactions so it can be used for this purpose. We recommend that every law enforcement action is done under paused contracts and that LawEnforcementRole can pause the contract in addition to the owner.

Update from Paxos: Pausing the contract is a highly visible and highly disruptive action for the utility of the token since it would not allow anyone to transfer. To ensure that the freezing process affects as few bystanding parties as possible, Paxos has decided to leave the separation between its ability to pause the contract for severe security issues and the ability for law enforcement to instruct the freezing of criminal accounts. To mitigate front running Paxos plans to submit freeze transactions with high gas prices to ensure that those transactions are quickly mined into the blockchain.


No security issues were found. Some changes were proposed to reduce potential attack surface, and the Paxos team has applied the fixes described above.

