6 Impressive No-Code SaaS Startups

Megan Yen
Published in
7 min readJul 11, 2022

Software as a service (SaaS) has been a fast-growing market segment in recent years. SaaS providers such as Slack, DocuSign, Dropbox, and MailChimp are all widely-used platforms that have become household names. As the SaaS industry continues to grow, many entrepreneurs have been on the lookout for their next business venture in this industry. Against the backdrop of the no-code explosion, more and more people have capitalized on the rise of accessible no-code development tools to build their own SaaS startups. Below are 6 impressive and innovative SaaS startups that were all built without code.

1. Remi

Built on Bubble
Berlin, Germany

As the pandemic began hitting the world in 2020, both employers and employees across the globe have had to adapt to working remotely. However, studies have shown that remote working negatively impacts company culture and morale while increasing turnover risk. Realizing that there is now a need to tackle the challenges of remote culture building, Co-Founder Rebecca Görres created Remi.

Remi is a culture-building platform that helps companies build and measure workplace culture remotely through a number of tools. For example, companies can set up daily or weekly team-building rituals or even create their own ritual to help build connections. Remi’s “Manual of Me” is another tool that functions as a user handbook for employees to connect with each other through common interests.

Remi was built entirely using Bubble after Görres, who lacks technical background, discovered the power and possibilities of no-code tools. As of June 2021, Remi has raised over €1.2 million in a pre-seed financing round and is on track to becoming one of the leading remote culture-building platforms.

2. Writier

Built on Bubble
Paris, France

Writer’s block is a problem everyone has undoubtedly faced before. Sometimes, it simply takes a little longer for inspiration to strike and for the creative juices to start flowing. Writier helps users tackle writer’s block using the power of AI.

Writier is an online writing tool that helps those who are stuck on ideas create content using AI-generated sentence completions. This helps writers save time while still maintaining their writing style and voice, and it does not suggest any content that is plagiarized to ensure everything is 100% original. What’s better is Writier allows users to create and track the progress of their articles in 12 different languages!

Although founder Rae Auker comes from a tech background, he nevertheless chose to build Writier with no-code. Auker chose Bubble because he realized no-code platforms can help him and his team create MVPs that can be user-tested in a way that is more efficient, cheaper, and less time-consuming. As of now, Writier is working closely with OpenAI to improve the accuracy of their model and has already helped thousands of writers worldwide tackle their writer’s block.

3. Athyna

Built on Bubble
Melbourne, Australia

Nowadays, remote working has become so normalized that it is not uncommon for companies to have a fully remote workforce comprised of employees from all over the world. This has transformed the way companies scout talent and, in some way, democratized job opportunities across the globe.

Athyna is an employment platform that specializes in helping companies expand globally by making hiring in different regions less complicated. The platform allows companies to access a larger pool of talent and employ talent from anywhere in the world. Employers can also use Athyna’s locally compliant contracts and payroll automation to ease the hiring process and avoid compliance mistakes.

For those who wish to expand their business and take advantage of the benefits of a remote workforce, Athyna is a without a doubt a must-use platform!

4. Strabo

Built on Bubble
London, United Kingdom

Strabo is an app that functions as a portfolio tracker which provides users with a holistic overview of all of their assets around the world. This includes their bank accounts, credit cards, investments, loans, cryptocurrency, real estate, and many more. Strabo can help analyze your data and break down your assets, income, liabilities, and expenses to ascertain what’s driving (or dragging) your net worth. It is an especially useful tool for those who want to track their portfolio performance and maintain a target allocation as they increase their assets.

Founders Michael Magdongon and Ben Waterman come from a finance background and specialize in venture capital and wealth management, not software development. Thus, no-code tools were a natural solution for them when they were creating Strabo. Ultimately, they chose Bubble as the platform had the most straightforward front and back end environment for them to build a consumer-facing finance platform such as Strabo and they felt it was the easiest tool to pick up on without any technical background.

Today, Strabo has been used by thousands of users and is functional in 9 different countries. For those who want to be in better control of their personal finances, Strabo will be game-changer for you!

5. Life Legacy

Built on Bubble
New York, United States

Legacy planning is not necessarily on the top of people’s list of priorities. In fact, most families find legacy planning daunting and end up feeling financially unprepared for death. Life Legacy is a platform built to resolve this issue. It allows users to draft wills, create advanced healthcare directives, shop for life insurance, and even make a social impact by allowing users to set up charitable bequests. Life Legacy helps families avoid the stress and cost of legal fees and protect the legacy of their loved ones.

The founders of Life Legacy anticipated that building a platform to host a range of financial planning tools using traditional software development would be time-consuming and expensive. Thus, they opted for a no-code solution in order to build their platform more quickly and affordably. Life Legacy’s early users have since committed a total of $17,600,00 USD to nonprofits and the platform has continued to expand and is now developing legacy-planning tools specifically for digital assets.

6. Paytable

Built on Bubble
Bristol, United Kingdom

The research-as-a-service industry has grown rapidly over the last few years as more and more people started selling access to curated information and niche content. A few platforms have capitalized on the monetization of research and info products, and one of them is Paytable. Paytable allows users to sell any form of stored content typically saved in apps such as Airtable, Coda, Notion, Sheets, and more. With Paytable, users can create their own secure members-only space where they can embed pretty much any sort of content. Paytable provides an easier and more straightforward way for sellers to track their sales and subscribers, authorize access, and protect their document links in comparison to the traditional way.

Founder Joel Rosen has background in design and has previously spent thousands of dollars on software developers in the past when creating his products. He came across no-code by chance and realized that Bubble was a cheaper and more accessible option with a friendly UI that makes it easy to navigate. Paytable has hit many milestones since launching its first MVP in May last year. The platform has generated amazing responses from users and is definitely worth checking out especially for those looking for simpler ways to monetize content.

SaaS companies are clearly on the rise, and the industry shows no signs of slowing down. No-code tools such as Bubble have evidently been a tremendous aid for SaaS startup founders due to their accessibility, lower costs, and ability to produce prototypes and MVPs at a faster rate. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur hoping to join the flood of new SaaS companies and cash in on this emerging market, don’t underestimate the possibilities of no-code tools!

