How to Alleviate Investor Concerns About Your No-Code Startup

Nisha Kaur
Published in
9 min readNov 28, 2023

In today’s dynamic business landscape, innovation is the driving force behind success. And one innovation that has rapidly evolved is the adoption of no-code tech stacks. If you are in the process of securing investment for your startup, effectively communicating the value of your no-code stack to potential investors is critical. In this blog, we will discuss the process of presenting your no-code stack, addressing investor concerns, and highlighting its significance in your business strategy.

The adoption of no-code solutions is increasing as entrepreneurs face less technical restraints. Their ability to democratise software development, expedite project timelines, and facilitate collaboration between technical and non-technical teams has made them an integral part of modern businesses. Investors are pivotal to your venture’s growth and success. To make informed decisions, they must grasp the significance of your no-code tech stack and how it can positively influence your business’s trajectory.

The Rise of No-Code Solutions:

The no-code market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with several major platforms offering a range of tools and features to encourage non-technical users to create applications and automate processes without traditional coding. Some of the major players in the no-code market include Bubble, Webflow, Softr, OutSystems, Framer Team and more.

No-code solutions are not merely a convenience; they are strategic tools that accelerate business processes and drive digital transformation, allowing companies to stay agile and competitive. This results from its development process that involves visual interfaces that reduce the requirement of manual coding. By doing so, new applications can be launched at a faster pace, allowing companies to be more agile and responsive to market demands.

Understanding the Value Proposition of a No-Code Tech Stack:

In a world where perfection is an ever-moving target, continuous improvement is essential. No-code platforms empower organisations to iterate and refine their applications and processes with ease. Users can gather feedback, identify areas for enhancement, and make updates in real-time, ensuring that their solutions stay aligned with evolving business goals.

The ability to bring new products, services, or digital solutions to market swiftly can make the difference between staying ahead of the competition or falling behind. No-code solutions have emerged as a powerful catalyst in reducing the time to market for businesses, offering a significant competitive advantage. Moreover, no-code platforms enable rapid prototyping and experimentation. Businesses can quickly create functional prototypes (MVPs) of their ideas, allowing stakeholders to visualise and interact with the solution before committing to a full-scale development project. This not only accelerates the decision-making process but also ensures that the final product aligns closely with business needs and customer expectations.

No-code tools have emerged as a cost-effective solution, offering businesses the opportunity to significantly lower both their initial development expenses and ongoing maintenance costs. This cost-efficiency is not only appealing to business owners but also a key factor that can attract investors looking for smart and sustainable investment opportunities. With regards to inclusivity, no-code platforms are designed with user-friendliness in mind, offering intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and visual development tools. These features make it possible for individuals with varying levels of technical expertise to actively engage in the development process. Non-technical team members, such as business analysts, marketing professionals, and operations managers, no longer need to rely solely on IT departments to bring their ideas to fruition. This allows for collaboration across departments and encourages innovation from the frontline of business operations.

Common Investor Concerns about No-Code Tech Stacks:

Whilst the benefits of no-code are clear, there are also legitimate concerns that investors often raise. Addressing these concerns effectively is paramount to instilling confidence and securing vital funding.

Some concerns include:

  • Vendor Lock-in/Ownership: No-code platforms may create vendor lock-in, making it challenging to migrate applications to other platforms because of code exportation restrictions. Investors may worry about the long-term implications of relying on a specific platform as it could limit the startup’s flexibility and competitiveness. With ownership rights, the client obtains IP rights on the concept, application and user-generated data. Concerns could evolve from ownership disputes which may be questioned by investors.
  • Scalability Issues: Investors may address whether a no-code tech stack can scale as the business grows. It is essential to emphasise that scalability is a core consideration in the selection of a no-code platform. This concern can be addressed by highlighting the modular architecture, integration capabilities and choice of platform.
  • Potential Lack of Customisation/User Experience: Investors may worry that no-code platforms, which often use templates and predefined components, may result in a generic or suboptimal user experience. They might be concerned that the startup will not be able to deliver a highly tailored, intuitive, and visually appealing interface that meets the expectations of its target audience. These limitations may hinder the ability to handle complex or specific customisation needs, especially as the business scales.
  • Performance: There may be an interest in how the performance of no-code applications compares to traditionally coded solutions or competitors in the market. Investors may question whether these applications can efficiently handle increased user loads and data processing, especially as the business grows.
  • Ongoing Costs: Investors may enquire about the long-term financial implications of subscription or licence fees associated with no-code platforms. They may want to know how these fees are structured and whether they could become a significant ongoing expense. Additionally, as no-code startups grow, investors may question whether the pricing model of the platform aligns with the startup’s scalability needs and whether it could lead to unexpected expenses.
  • Security Measures: Concerns relating to security aspects may arise due to the potential implications on data protection, regulatory compliance, and business continuity. Security incidents not only pose immediate financial costs but also threaten the long-term viability and competitiveness of businesses utilising these platforms. Investors may seek assurance that no-code startups prioritise and invest in security to protect against potential breaches, preserving the reputation and value of their investments.

Alleviating these concerns predominantly comes from educating investors about the technical advancements in no-code technology and showcasing successful use cases where no-code solutions have effectively addressed complex business needs. This mitigates concerns and instils investor confidence.

Case Studies: Successful VC Backed No-Code Startups:

Venture capitalists (VCs) contribute to the growth and development of startups, including those in the no-code space. These investors provide the financial backing, mentorship, and network connections that startups need to thrive. It is noteworthy that VCs have increasingly shown interest in no-code startups due to the disruptive potential of this technology.

Here, we explore successful VC backed startups and companies that have utilised no-code tools:


About Startup: Medley is a group coaching platform equipping emerging leaders to be more authentic, dynamic, and inclusive. The platform was built using Webflow and has a network of 150+ highly-trained and certified leadership coaches.

Amount Raised: $3.7 million

Industry: Professional Training and Coaching

Country: United States


About Startup: Teal is a careers platform that helps people to find their desired jobs and organise their job hunt activities to find more suitable jobs. The platform was initially built using Bubble and then transitioned to Webflow. They have also optimised their database management using Airtable and Typeform for surveys all of which is connected through Zapier.

Amount Raised: $11 million

Industry: Job Recruitment

Country: United States

Dividend Finance:

About Startup: Dividend Finance is a platform built using Bubble that helps homeowners secure financing for home improvements and add renewable energy solutions to their homes. Built using Bubble, the platform has accumulated over $1 billion in sales since their launch in 2016.

Amount Raised: $384 million

Industry: Financial Services

Country: United States


About Startup: Comet is a marketplace for programmers and data science freelancers looking for remote jobs. Built using Bubble, no-code enabled founder Charles Thomas to scale his business, accumulating over $800,000 in monthly recurring revenue. With no technical background, Thomas leveraged the drag-and-drop features on Bubble to construct the first version of his platform.

Amount Raised: $14.8 million

Industry: Job Recruitment

Country: France


About Startup: Hello Prenup is a prenuptial agreements platform for married couples. Built using Bubble, it allows couples to create a prenuptial agreement online including online resources for filing taxes and paying everyday bills, shopping, and more.

Amount Raised: $150K

Industry: Legal Tech

Country: United States

Responding to Potential Concerns from Investors:

Concern 1: “No-code has flexibility limitations because of code ownership”.

Points to highlight:

  • Client owns IP rights including concept, application and user-generated data.
  • Whilst some no-code platforms do not allow for code exportation, a growing number of platforms are implementing methods that enable code to be exported.
  • Use Dittofi as an example: The no-code app builder allows you to export all of the code for your app as its code generators take visual designs & transform them into frontend code & backend code for applications.

Concern 2: “No-code is not scalable”.

Points to highlight:

  • Major no-code platforms offer 99.99% uptime.
  • There are successful no-code startups that have scaled.
  • Many no-code platforms offer enterprise-grade infrastructure such as Betty Blocks and Appian.

Concern 3: “No-code may limit user experience and customisation”.

Points to highlight:

  • Templates no-code platforms provide, can be tailored to change the design, layout, and user flows to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.
  • Platforms allow users to make rapid iterations and improvements based on user feedback.
  • Customisation is more cost-effective with no-code as extensive coding is not required.

Concern 4: “No-code products may not perform as well as traditional code solutions”.

Points to highlight:

  • No-code platforms have a speed-to-market advantage which enables users to create functional applications in a fraction of the time it would take to write custom code.
  • Platforms are highly scalable thus, they can handle increased workloads and data processing effectively.
  • Reduced likelihood of coding errors and bugs as no-code utilises pre-built components and templates.

Concern 5: “Scaling a no-code startup may create unexpected ongoing costs”.

Points to highlight:

  • No-code pricing models are flexible to accommodate growth.
  • Low maintenance overheads in comparison to traditional code solutions.
  • Some platforms provide usage-based pricing which means startups only pay for the resources and features used.

Concern 6: “Security measures may not be as high as traditional methods”.

Points to highlight:

  • No-code platforms implement data encryption mechanisms which ensures that information remains secure from unauthorised access.
  • Most platforms include authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • There are industry-specific security standards and regulations required to be met such as GDPR, HIPAA, or ISO 27001.

Seeking Guidance from No-Code Platforms:

When embarking on the journey of explaining a no-code tech stack to potential investors, it’s essential to recognise the valuable resources that the no-code platforms themselves offer. Take Bubble, for instance, a prominent player in the no-code ecosystem. They provide resources to assist entrepreneurs in articulating their no-code built product to investors, as demonstrated by their comprehensive investor documentation found here.

By leveraging these in-house resources and guidance, startups and creators can effectively communicate the power and potential of their no-code solutions, ultimately instilling trust and confidence among potential investors.


The effective communication of your no-code tech stack to investors is undeniably pivotal in shaping the future success of your venture. As we have reiterated throughout this blog, transparency in conveying the value of these solutions is key to securing the support and trust of potential backers.

Looking ahead, the future of no-code solutions in business is filled with potential. These tools are poised to play an increasingly vital role in the ever-evolving business landscape. As technology continues to advance and businesses seek efficient and innovative ways to thrive, no-code solutions will undoubtedly be at the forefront of this transformative journey.

In closing, we invite all readers to explore and leverage no-code solutions in their own businesses. The time to embrace this technology for innovation, efficiency, and growth is now.

