Why this? Why now?

What’s NOMOFIBRO for?

2 min readMar 25, 2014


Hi! Meet 2009 me. I’d had fibromyalgia for 15 years and refused to medicate it. 95% of my time was spent hating myself for not contributing to my family. Even though I’d managed to nurse two babies for about a year each. Even though I got them to museums and playgroup weekly. And even though my husband knew without a doubt that I loved him deeply. My pain and emotional state meant he had to make dinners after being gone 12 hours for work. And he had to handle nighttime wakings. Because I only moved when absolutely necessary.

Hola! Meet 2011 me. I didn’t move unless I had caffeine, adrenaline and sugar coursing through my body. I used Lyrica, Neurontin, and Tramadol to dull my pain, and that meant I couldn’t get out of bed until 8:20am. Someone was nearly always late for school. I was careful to choose low or non-addictive meds with my doctor, but I believe the Lyrica and Neurontin worsened my depression and the Tramadol intensified my anxiety.

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Pamela. My life is different now. And if erasing those two other mes meant 2014 me wouldn’t get to exist, I’ll gladly claim those nutty, conflicted, tortured chicks. I’m happy. There’s no getting around it. I’m well, I want to scream it from the rooftops. I’m in love with life…you get the picture.

My journey is not unique…plenty of people have pulled themselves out of the hell hole that is this disease. My mentor was Minnie at tribeyondlimits.com. Laid out on the bed, I’d read and reread her posts about fibromyalgia and preparing for triathlons…she grabbed me by the scruff of my jammies and said, “if I can do it, you can do MORE”.




A Blog. About Stuff. Good Stuff. Mostly.