Hmm, as you get older, you often find people who are adults, even in the old category. But his thoughts and behavior are like a child who is growing up.

As if noticing the inappropriateness.

For example:

1. Harsh words, swearing and feeling like a respected person.

In fact, it is quite tacky and not respected, it actually seems to show that he is crazy.

2. Do singing the songs in a public housing area, using loudspeakers, until the sound booms in all directions. He really doesn't care about the people around him.

Even if they have to reprimand them, they should have the presence of mind and shame not to do that. Because they are not small children.

It is said to relieve stress. Singing is fine, you can do it in your own home, without using loudspeakers.

It's as if their hearts are closed and it's as if they live their lives for themselves. Even though he is very old. Embarrassing.

3. Don't want to be offended, don't want to apologize, and often even want to be appreciated, but don't want to appreciate it.

Here I am re- write from Hazanah Islam.

There is a message to Muslims who have reached the age of 40 years. This is as in the words of Allah SWT and also the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allah SWT says:

"And have We not extended your life long enough for those who want to think to think, and (have we not) come to you a warner? So taste (Our punishment) and there is no helper for the wrongdoers." (QS Fatir: 37)

A number of commentators interpret the warning in this verse as gray hair. And there are also those who say that what is meant by warning is the Messenger of Allah SAW. And it is known that Allah SWT never sent a Prophet except after 40 years.

For this reason, Imam Nawawi opined, "It is said from the people of Medina that if one of them has reached the age of 40, then it is time to improve himself in worshiping Allah SWT."

Imam al-Qurthubi narrates in his commentary book Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Quran, that Imam Malik bin Anas once said:

โ€œI found that scientists in our village were looking for the world and knowledge and mingling with many people. Then when they reach the age of 40, they are reluctant to mingle or gather with other people and choose to worship until death takes them."

The periodization of human age has its own crucial points, including those who have reached the age of 40.

From Al-Sya'bi, from Masruq, he said, "When one of you reaches the age of 40, then take a warning from Allah Azza wa Jalla."

Qasim bin Abdul Rahman once asked Masruq about when someone is taken away with their sins. Then he answered, "When you reach 40 years old, be careful."

Ibnu Katsir also believes that these propositions are a guide for someone who has reached the age of 40 to always renew their repentance and get closer to Allah SWT.

My statement above is as if Allah is reminding me or Muslims to prepare ourselves when our age reached 40 years old, even though death is comes anytime and is Allah's secret.

So, when we are over 40 years old or approaching 40 years old, and if our age reached 40 we don't want to improve ourselves? Repent? Aren't you afraid that death will strike you while singing a song?

Naudzubillah mindzalik, hopefully we will all be kept away from the characteristics that often occur in the environment. Especially, its happening at my current place I living.



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