🎶 Somewhere there's forgiveness...
🎶 It's what I'm stronger for...
🎶 The world had turned against me...
🎶 Left me standing tall...

Above is the song lyric from the film I watched last night. It all reminds me of a story I wrote in 2013 – the story is the true story of a 32 year old woman whose fate was not as lucky as her appearance.

The title is on image.

Melati Sukma Saraswati, is a woman who has a beautiful face, is a bit rough, but her heart melts quickly even if she is often hurt.


"Sukma!!" shouted Arya Putra Kencana.

"What’s going on! You screaming so early in the morning!" said Melati Sukma Saraswati, who almost everyone and her husband also called her Sukma.

Arya Putra Kencana, he is a handsome man from a wealthy family whose laziness is very unacceptable to reason and thought.

"Before going to work, give Saras a bath first! – also, don’t forget to make breakfast and order me food for lunch! – don’t be like yesterday! I’m starving and can only eat indomie!" Arya said in a high tone while pulling up a chair.

Sukma just answered, "Yesterday I overslept – you know that too, don't talk about it anymore!"

Arya is a man who likes to bring up all the bad things about Sukma. Even if the bad was done years ago, or unintentionally.

Sukma immediately approached Saras who was still asleep. Saraswati Kencana, is a beautiful baby who is only 4 months old.

"I shouldn’t be bathing Saras now, she’s still sleeping. What’s wrong with you if you bathing her a little later in the day – you’re at home all day and not doing anything!" Sukma said while gently patting Saras’s chubby cheek.

Arya immediately snapped, "That’s your chore!"

Sukma, who already understood her husband's character, could only take a deep breath. Although she still hopes that her husband can change for the better. Even though the hope is very small, especially his temperament and alcohol addiction will not be easily cured.

After bathing Saras and making several bottles of milk to stock up until the afternoon. Sukma rushed to make breakfast for her husband.

Three half-boiled eggs, bread, complete with a glass of hot coffee were placed in front of Arya's table.

Arya immediately ate it without caring if his wife had breakfast or not.

Sukma didn’t expect to get attention from her husband – she was used to being without it. Because if you hope too much for something you won’t get, you will be very disappointed, even if you are already disappointed.

Arya spoke firmly, "This afternoon you have to come home quickly! I have business with my friends!"

Sukma didn’t answer, she immediately prepared herself to go to the office. And, before that, she turned to look at the baby crib where Saras was still sleeping. Without permission and glancing at Arya, Sukma went straight to the office by her boyfriend’s car.

Yes, her boyfriend wasn’t just any friend.

Two years earlier.

"You know my family owe Arya a debt of service - and, he wants to marry me!" Sukma said to Aldi Permana who didn’t accept it if Sukma broke up with him.

Then Sukma emphasized, "Sukma continued his conversation, "Moreover, you don't have a clear relationship with me - you have a wife and children!"

"I'm going to divorce my wife! I don't love her anymore!" Aldi answered firmly.

"No! I will marry Arya! He is still single and loves me!" Sukma said confidently.

-Flashback off-

Shameless, or indeed the vein of shame is no longer there. These are the words of Sukma, who returned to Aldi after finding out that marrying Arya was the biggest mistake. Meanwhile, Aldi himself accepted Sukma back just like that.

Aldi Permana is a man with children and a wife. However, Aldi rarely contacts his children and wife. It is said that Aldi's marriage to his wife was the plan of his parents.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Aldi asked while giving her a cup of coffee he bought at the coffee shop.

"I don't have time for breakfast, I'm busy taking care of two babies!" Sukma answered while grabbing the coffee cup and drinking it.

Aldi just rubbed Sukma's back affectionately.

After 10 minutes, Aldi’s car stopped in front of the Sukma office. Sukma got out of the car and went straight into her office.

Meanwhile, Aldi immediately went to his aunt's house. Aldi lives with his aunt and works at his aunt's company.

In the office, Sukma is busy with her work. Being a general affairs (GA) worker is a lot of work and keeps her busy. In fact, she often comes home late.

However, because Arya had warned her, she had to go home early. Sukma arranges her work so that she finishes on time, sure at 5 pm.

However, because there was an impromptu meeting. Sukma didn't go home according to Arya's wishes.

"Hhh, I’m definitely going to get scolded for this..." muttered Sukma as she left the office and went straight into Aldi’s car. Aldi is not just a friend, boyfriend, he has even become a private driver of Sukma.

"I don’t feel good!" Said Sukma while leaning her head on Aldi shoulder. Aldi was silent, he knew that Arya’s treatment of Sukma was very inhumane.

"You shouldn't have married him in the first place!" Aldi said firmly.

Sukma turned to Aldi and spoke quietly, "If only at that time there was a good man who wanted to be with me and he wasn't someone else's husband. I might have chosen him, and I thought Arya was a good person – at first he seemed very friendly and polite."

Meanwhile, Arya is in the house impatiently waiting for Sukma. His anger was at its peak. While pacing in front of the baby crib where Saras was sleeping. He grumbled, "You damn fool!"

"And you’re also, Saras, just giving me trouble!" Arya added while glancing at Saras.

Meanwhile, Saras is just a 4 month old baby who doesn’t know anything. She didn’t understand that her father was cursing her mother, even cursing her for being a burden and making him unable to be as free as he was before she was born.

Can't wait just waiting at home. Arya left the house. And at the same time Aldi's car stopped. Seeing this, Arya became even angrier, while Aldi immediately stepped on the gas and drove the car quickly as soon as Sukma got out of the car. Aldi doesn't want to risk his safety.

Arya's strong hand immediately grabbed Sukma's arm and quickly forced her into the house.

"Slut! You're still in touch with that guy?" Arya snapped while grabbing Sukma's hair.

Sukma, who was used to Arya’s rude treatment, replied, "If he hadn’t given me a lift, how much money would I have had to spend on a taxi? While you lazy people don’t want to work! — remember! All your household needs, your food, Saras' milk and rent I’m paying for this house!"

Hearing that, Sukma received a hard kick right in the stomach.

Sukma endured the pain, she still challenged, "Take my life too! Kill me! So that I can be free from men like you!"

Instead of stopping, Arya started beating Sukma even more furiously.

After being satisfied with beating Sukma, Arya just left her. "I said don’t come home late!"

I don’t know how strong Sukma’s body is, even though Arya gives hard blows and was slammed many times. She could still stand.

She quickly changed her clothes. Also, took some of Saras’s clothes and milk, then put them in a small bag.

"We have to get out of here, Saras! I can’t longer live with that ignorant bastard!" Sukma said while crying and carrying Saras.

Sukma left the house and immediately looked for a taxi. When Sukma was walking and staggered a bit.

"Sukma, come in quickly!" Aldi shouted, who was already in front of Sukma.

"Aldi?" Sukma said in surprise, she didn’t expect that Aldi would still be here.

"Aren’t you home yet?" Sukma asked as she got into the car.

"I'm worried about you!" Aldi answered while gently feeling the bruise on Sukma's cheek.

Sukma grimaced.

"Sukma, what did do the bastard did to you?" Aldi asked while looking at the bruises on Sukma’s face.

"I want get out here! I can’t living with Arya anymore!" Sukma said firmly.

Aldi was silent, he didn't answer a word.

"You don’t need to worry, I won’t ask for your help! Because I know, you were still living at the bottom of your aunt arm!" Sukma said curtly. However, Sukma herself was confused about where to go, because she lived far from her family.

Aldi was driving his car very slowly, and at the same time his aunt kept calling him.

"Sukma, I have to go home. My aunt keeps calling me - I'll take you to Rita's house, your friend, okay?" Aldi said while turning towards Sukma.

Sukma just nodded slowly.

Yes, Rita is Sukma’s only friend who can be asked for help at this time. And, only her, no one else.

"Hopefully her husband isn't at home..." Sukma hoped in her heart.

After dropping Sukma and Saras in front of Rita's house, Aldi went straight home. This time he really had to go home. Because his aunt is more than his mother or wife.

Sukma walked slowly towards Rita’s door. She tapped it lightly three times.

From inside the house, Rita went straight to the door and opened it. Suddenly she was shocked to find her friend with a bruised face and carrying Saras in front of the door.


"What happened to you..."

“Please come in!"

Sukma immediately entered Rita's house and asked, "Is your husband there or not?"

"Next week my husband comes home...
...what's wrong with you, Sukma?" Rita asked while taking Saras who was in Sukma's arms.

"This is Arya's doing, right?" Rita had expected it.

Rita has put Saras to sleep in the room and now she is in the kitchen to prepare food for Sukma and ice cubes for pressing.

"We have to report the police right now! This is intolerable!" Rita said angrily.

Rita also told Sukma to take off all her clothes. Rita felt the bruises wasn’t just her face and hands.

Sukma just obeyed Rita’s orders, she took off her shirt and long skirt.

"Lord!" Rita gasped when she saw Sukma's body, which was blue and bruised.

"Luckily you’re still alive, Melati Sukma Saraswati! - I said from the first time you were beaten by Arya, he would do it continuously. Do you remember how he beat you when you were pregnant? Until you were crippled!!" Rita made her even more furious.

1:30 - Sukma House.

Arya knocked repeatedly on the door of the house. However, no one ever opened it. As soon as the door knob was turned, it turned out that the door was not locked. Arya rushed in. It was found that the living room and other rooms were completely dark, as if they were uninhabited.



"Where are you?"

Early in the morning Arya screamed and checked the whole house.

Suddenly Arya remembered his treatment. He didn’t wait long and immediately went to the police station to report Sukma. Report of running away from husband’s house.

The report was received by the police and the police immediately called Sukma.

Inside Rita's house.

Sukma’s phone rang.

Sukma immediately checked it, "Police station number!" Sukma said while glancing at Rita.

"We're preempted!" Rita said.

Sukma was confused and a little worried, "What should I do?"

At the same time, Arya also sent a message that he had made a report about running away from the husband’s house.

Sukma was stunned when she read the message from Arya and was confirmed by an incoming message from the police that his name and ID number had been included in the Wanted Database.

[If you want to survive, tell me your whereabouts and I will withdraw my report!]

It was a message from Arya.

Quickly, Sukma immediately responded to Arya’s message. Because if not, the company where she works will find out about this case and she doesn’t want that to happen.

[I’m going to the police station, NOW Bastard!]

Arya was satisfied and happy to read the message. He immediately asked his friend to come pick him up and went straight to the police station.

Sukma sent a message to Aldi to come to Rita’s house to take her to the police station. However, Aldi refused and even told her to go by taxi.

Now, Sukma understands that, this man is only a bringer of bad luck and disaster for the comfort of her life.

Regrets being close to Aldi and accepting Arya’s proposal. However, whatever, now she has to face what is happening.

Rita, who only had a motorbike, only let her friend go by taxi. Meanwhile, she didn’t have the courage to be with Sukma. It was enough for Rita to help relieve the pain from the dings and blows. But, to accompany Sukma, Rita didn’t want to bother.

Sukma just nodded her head at Rita, before she got into the taxi. Fortunately, Saras is not the type to cry baby, so it doesn’t make Sukma more stressed.

The taxi was already in front of the police station. Sukma immediately went inside and gave the message from the police.

"Oh, you? The one who left your husband’s house and go with your boyfriend?"

"No wonder your husband beats you, because you are an ignorant woman!"

"Your husband is tired of working for you and your child, you are having an affair!"

The story of a police officer whose truth is not filtered. That made Sukma spontaneously answer, "I work from morning to evening to support an unemployed and lazy man!"

The police were silent when they heard that.

"Are you Melati Sukma Saraswati?" asked the policeman sitting in front of the computer.

Sukma answered slowly, "Yes..."

"Are you working or a housewife?" Ask the police later.

"I work as a GA at the company, sir." Sukma answered firmly.

"What time did you leave the house?" Ask the police again.

Sukma answered again, "From half past 10 in the evening, after being beaten for being late coming home from work and being dropped off by my ex-boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend?" the police asked then with his eyebrows knitted together.

Sukma explained honestly, "Yes, because my husband is lazy, I have to work to make ends meet and if I use a taxi, the money will be used up."

The police just stared at Sukma’s face while paying attention to the bruises on her cheeks, chin and nose.

Then the policeman got up from his seat and went to his superior's room.

After a while, he came back. "You have to sit in prison now!" Said the policeman, in a high tone. However, his face fell.

Sukma asked in a troubled tone, "Why do I have to go to prison? What did I do wrong?"

"It was your fault for leaving the house without your husband's permission!" The police said while leading Sukma into the cell.

But suddenly, another policeman spoke firmly, "Tell her to sit in the chair near the cell. I can’t bear to see the baby!"

Sukma was finally imprisoned outside the cell. However, for Sukma this is still unfair, because she did not do anything that required her to go to prison.

Sukma did not go to prison like criminals, but remained locked up without being able to leave or contact anyone. Because her phone was confiscated by the police.

In Sukma’s heart a deep hatred emerged for Arya. Because she really didn’t think that he could do this. Of course prison is not a scary thing, especially since the physical and mental torture carried out by Arya has made her look like a big criminal.

Sukma cried in her heart, she did not show her sadness to Saras who was fast asleep in her lap.

Sukma’s breath was short because she was holding back her sadness and heartache. The hatred was already embedded in Sukma’s mind and soul.

Now Sukma is experiencing the same experience as a woman she once knew who received harsh treatment from her husband. And, now Sukma realizes that married life is not as beautiful as sweet words before marriage.

She remembered what Arya said when they first met.

I love you more than myself. You're the only one I can talk to. And, I love you forever.

A million romantic words that lulled Sukma. Especially when it comes to treating her to a meal, Arya is very generous and doesn’t look at the price. And, what made Sukma convinced at that time were words of religious concern. It’s true, the Sukma family owes Arya a debt of service, which makes the Sukma family tell her to marry quickly.

The rice has become porridge, and cannot be softened even if you add additional spices or toppings to make it delicious. No, Sukma is not rice, she is a soul who cannot accept treatment
Arya’s rudeness. So she has to go to prison like today.

-The next day-

Different policeman entered the room where Sukma was locked up carrying a bottle of drinking water and a packet of bread.

"Hurry up and have breakfast first, then get ready to go to court!" The policeman said firmly.

Instantly Sukma was struck by lightning.

"Why do I have to go to court? What is there to be tried? Why me? What did I do wrong?" Sukma muttered to herself.

Bread and a bottle of mineral water were placed on the chair where Sukma sat last night. Her stomach was suddenly full.

"Come out quickly!" The policeman said firmly while opening the door wide.

Sukma, who was confused, quickly got up and immediately followed the policeman directions.

Sukma was taken into a police car and escorted by a female police officer.

Sukma sat down, and was immediately in the car seat flanked by two female police officers.

"Aren’t her hands cuffed?" asked one of the female police officers.

The other female police officer answered, "Didn't you see she was holding her baby?"

The two policemen fell silent as the police car drove away.

After a 20 minute journey, the car stopped in front of the district court.

Sukma was led into a room. Inside there was a judge, two policemen and another who was typing in front of computer.

Sukma was tried with similar questions.

Sukma also answered with the same answer.

Sukma was about to sit down. But the judge immediately shouted at him, "Who told you to sit down?"

The judge began to argue with his assumption, "A woman cannot go out without her husband's permission. Whatever your husband does to you, you cannot leave the house. Your husband is heaven for you, even if your husband is a bastard!"

Sukma was silent, her tongue was unable to speak anything.

The judge looked closely at Sukma’s eyes which were already filled with tears. Then, he spoke, "You don’t do it again! Okay!?"

Sukma just nodded slowly.

"Okay, you're free!"

"Now ask apologize to your husband and kiss his hand!"

The judge said which made Sukma widen her eyes as soon as she heard his words and immediately glanced at Arya who suddenly entered the room.

"Go ask apologize to your husband! Quickly!! – or do you want to stay more longer in prison?" The judge said in a high tone.

Instantly, the seeds of Sukma’s hatred for Arya grown-up on her heart.

Sukma approached Arya, before she kissed Arya’s hand, she whispered softly, but could be heard clearly in Arya’s ear. "Remember, God doesn’t sleep! I betrayed you by going back to Aldi, and it’s all because you are not a man! Also, you are more than what I did!"

Then Sukma grabbed Arya's hand and kissed it forcefully.

Meanwhile Arya was just silent.

Before the judge actually gave his decision, he spoke loudly aimed at Arya, “Be a real husband who can educate his wife with religious knowledge, provide for her and relate to her well. If you can’t be together anymore, you can divorce her, but don’t torture her. "

One week later.

"Are you sure you want to resign from the company that has made your name known? I know, this also happened because of your hard work, so that almost all the bosses here won't allow you to resign. They really need you!" HRD said while looking closely at the corneas of Sukma's eyes.

Sukma took a deep breath, "It's hard for me to let go of this job, but I have to leave this city forever." Sukma said slowly.

The HRD spoke, "If you change your mind and want to stay in this city, tell me – this is your final salary, gratuity for the 10 years you have worked here and a bonus from the boss for the project you handled this month."

Three white envelopes and several sheets of HVS paper bearing work experience letters were already in front of Sukma. Very slowly Sukma took it.

Then, Sukma stretched out her hand to HRD. HRD, who had never heard complaints from Sukma and had never seen Sukma absent, quickly accepted Sukma’s outstretched hand and shook it tightly.

"Goodbye and thank you..." said Sukma quietly as she let go of her hand.

HRD just nodded slowly.

Sukma immediately got into the Aldi car, which contained Saras and several suitcases of clothes.

"Are you ready to leave this city, Sukma?" Aldi asked, looking at Sukma's face.

Sukma nodded.

Then, how could Sukma just leave Arya's house?

Flashback on

After tried in the court, Sukma pretends to be a good woman and wife. Even though it’s just a drama - Sukma is not an insane woman who has to be nice to lazy men. It’s all just a trick.

Arya, who can be bribed with alcohol, cigarettes and delicious food, feels like a king. He felt that Sukma had changed, and he thought that it was all because of the lesson he had been taught by putting her in prison, even if only for 24 hours.

Very wrong!

One afternoon after coming home from work, Sukma stopped at the pharmacy to buy sleeping pills. And, she could easily buy sleeping pills using a doctor’s prescription, whose doctor was Rita’s friend. That’s right, a fake doctor’s prescription. Ah, it’s like a drama serial, yeah, that’s right! But, it exists in the real world.

From the pharmacy, then stop by the premium goat satay and rib soup maker. She bought him 50 skewers and she had two portions of spare rib soup. Even though Sukma doesn’t like goat meat, that afternoon she bought it.

Sukma was already in her house at exactly 19:00. Her eyes glanced at Arya who was drunk from the illegal drink she bought for him.

Very quickly Sukma crushed 10 sleeping pills and then mixed them into the satay seasoning. And, served it at the dining table right in front of Arya.

"Sukma, you stupid woman who still serves me well! But, you are really good, Sukma!" Arya said while grabbing the satay and eating it, satay is Arya's favorite food.

Sukma's heart spoke, "This is the last time!"

Two hours later.

The sleeping pills had already taken effect, Sukma assured that Arya had really slept.

Without waiting for time, Sukma packed Saras and her clothes. And immediately put it in Aldi’s car, that same night. Exactly 2 in the morning. Luckily, Aldi’s aunt was returning home and allowed Aldi to go out at that time.

"What if Arya wakes up and checks the wardrobe? Then she'll get suspicious!" Aldi asked worriedly.

"Don’t worry, there are still lots of Saras' clothes and my old clothes in the cupboard. You save the laptop and the clothes in my suitcase, tomorrow morning you will wait for me in front of the office!" Sukma said firmly.

The morning.

Arya hasn't woken up yet, but Sukma and Saras are already tidy.

At exactly 8 am, Sukma wrote a letter addressed to Arya.

I endured the pain of your beatings and treatment until the moment I wrote this. However, not after writing this. I will take care of the divorce soon. Goodbye Bastard! Hope you recover quickly.

Aldi dropped Sukma off at the train station. Sukma wants to move to the city of her childhood friend, she doesn’t want to return to her family. Sukma decides to live independently with her only daughter.

The end.

A little advice from the author:
Be kind to everyone, because everyone is fighting some sort of battle.

Notes: all those name I wrote above is fiction, although the story isn’t a fiction.



𝕻𝖚𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖆 𝕸𝖚𝖋𝖎𝖉𝖆𝖍✍
Non Fiction

𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 ☺️