Harrison Shoff
Non fiction
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2015


Two words, hi & yes

One day you’ll lock eyes with someone across the room. You’ll hesitate as you picture the future together. Then you’ll smile when you see they’re still looking and realize you’re in over your head.

You’re friends will say you should go talk to them. You want to go talk to them, but you’re terrified. What’s the first thing you say to someone who’s going to change your life? It’s the beginning of how it all starts. This is important.

You’re walking towards them without realizing it. It feels like the room goes silent. You forget how words work. And that’s the moment.

They say “Hi”.

3 years later you’re living together. Somehow a terrible first date at an empty Brazilian BBQ place was how it started.

You’ll be surprised with how wonderful it is to start a life together. You’ll share moments that would be ruined if you tried to capture it in an instagram. You’ll laugh at jokes no one else knows. You’ll run out of all 140 characters at places you can’t checkin to. And you’ll listen and say nothing and understand everything.

Then one day almost 4 years later you’ll be on your knee and she’ll say “yes”.

And you couldn’t be happier.

