CloneX — Transcend The Metaverse

Non Fungible News
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2021

RTFKT Studios are leading the way into the Metaverse with the creation of their Avatar project Clone-X. The RTFKT Team have been creating the most immersive and functional Avatar project in the NFT world.

The hype of this project is going astronomical, every single week we are seeing amazing new feats and they only get better and better. Over the past few weeks we have had the Founders leak new clones on the regular, with the likes of Reptilians, Robots, Demons, Angels, Humans and more. Each time they drop, we are seeing multiple new items and accessories which they have recently announced will ALL be forgeable to real life collectibles, as long as the demand is there… Yes, this also accounts for the Astronaut suit!

The team have been appearing on many Twitter Spaces constantly releasing new updates and we have also seen the likes of Chris Le (@Clegfx one of the founders) speaking at the Silicon Slopes, a Utah based startup and tech community. You can view his discussion with Nasdaq here: So of course, we are seeing all of the guys making some huge plays for the brand and building a larger ecosystem than any other we have seen.

One of the greatest pieces of utility they have shown recently, is the interconnection of Avatar and Self. Recent accounts of this is showing us the ability of Facial recognition, where we will see the likes of many using this feature to create their own forms of media using their Clone-X Avatar as their personal or business identities. Some within the Community have already formatted future plans to create all sorts of ventures, consiting of Virtual Modelling, TV Series or Movies with the likes of their Clone-X staring as a character. The possibilites are virtually endless and we can’t wait to see what the community will come up with beyond this. Additionally to the facial recognistion, we have now seen the team show an insight of the 3D Avatars physical/virtual capabilites, leaking a video of the rigging process of a Clone and finalising the Video with a short clip of some wicked parkour and active movements, showing us that these Clones are truely Metaverse ready.

These recent announcements have led to insane amounts of excitement and hype, but apparently we haven’t even heard the best parts. The founders have stated next week will be the biggest thus far and if anything is bigger than these recent announcements, boy will we be going on a rollercoaster of emotions. I personally can’t wait to see what these guys have further up their sleeves and you know well and truely i will be updating you all with the latest news!

Published by: Non-Fungible News

Dylanslav.eth —



Non Fungible News

Australia Professional Boxer. NFT Collector and Creator. Crypto Enthusiast. Founder : Tenko Studios and Non Fungible News.