NFT Communities Part 1 — Metakey.

Non Fungible News
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2021

Today we would like to start this off with an amazing project by the name of Metakey.

Metakey is building the framework of an everlasting community, one that brings influence, knowledge, and ideas together. The team behind Metakey are avid NFT and Crypto enthusiasts who have been in the space for quite some time. Saying so, they use this knowledge and bring immense value to the space for newcomers and even those experienced members who are looking to build within the Metaverse. We have recently dug deep into this community and love what we are seeing build, a community of like-minded folk who all have the same goal… to create the Metaverse we all want. In doing so, the team and community members all actively work together to build on great ideas and create impactful expansion.

We have seen Metakey create 4 separate NFTs which all grant specific access to the project they have collaborated with, for example the biggest currently would be Metakey #2 — RTFKT. What we are seeing here is a collaboration with some of the most promising NFT projects within the space, granting key holders’ exclusive access to both the Collaborator (RTFKT in this case) and Metakeys future drops and events. Understanding the knowledge the team has with NFTs and Crypto itself, they have built a great amount of influence in the space and most people trust and believe in their word regarding anything NFT and so far they have had some great insight. Taking RTFKT for one, this project has expanded massively to being one of the top tier Digital Fashion brands within the NFT space, Metakey knew what was coming through research and experience.

Furthermore, we are seeing each key act as exclusive access to special events within some of the top Metaverses, such as Decentraland. Decentraland recently hosted the Metaverse festival, where worldwide artists came to perform on the virtual stage and boy was it an amazing turn out! During the festival, Metakey holders were granted exclusive access to the VIP lounge where they were able to get private conversations and performances from the artists who were in the line-up, this was an amazing outcome for the Metakey holders as some would have had the opportunity to chat and network with some top tier performers. Looking at this in such early days, what we can expect over the next few years could only be on such a greater scale, as the Metaverse grows, so does the potential of the Metakey.

One of the other great things within the Metakey community, is their eagerness to help each other build. So far, one way we are seeing this is the experimental ‘Shark Tank’ the team hosts monthly in Decentraland. Here the community members get the opportunity to pitch their projects and ideas to the core team and other influential metaverse/NFT figures, to secure potential investments, collabs or general advise. Having access to something like this is so beneficial to the young up comers in the NFT scene, as so many great ideas are coming on the regular and that bit of guidance from those who have been around through the initial build of the Metaverse and NFT world can truly create amazing outcomes for these upcoming projects.

Finally, the most recent announcement from the Metakey team, is the drop of their very own 3D Avatar project. We are seeing the Metakrew truly form into something great, providing all key holders a free mint of their 3D avatars, which will be metaverse ready to enter the likes of Decentraland, Sandbox, Somnium Space, you name it. The official news for where these Avatars will be usable on is yet to be announced, but understanding the influence and network the team has, we are sure nothing is out of the picture. Additionally, Metaverse ready is only one part, they are also creating their own game for users to enter with their NFTs, this is scheduled for sometime in 2022 and we are yet to get a full scope of the idea at hand but the general aspect is a great way to bring further utility to the Metakey and Metakrew communities.

What Metakey has created is one of the most influential, impactful, and creative communities in the space, what we can expect to see from here is constant growth between members and the team itself. We believe Metakey will be a major influence in what is to come in the next few years within the Metaverse.

Published By : Non Fungible News

Written By : Dylanslav.lyx



Non Fungible News

Australia Professional Boxer. NFT Collector and Creator. Crypto Enthusiast. Founder : Tenko Studios and Non Fungible News.