Quick Update on That Now-Deleted Brewdog Story I Posted Last Year

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have remembered a story I posted about Brewdog founder James Watt, who was accused of mistreating his workers by ignoring health and safety practices, acting misogynistic, setting workers’ standards impossibly high, and creating a workplace environment that made workers feel scared. Watt then appeared in a podcast where he admitted there was some truth to the claims, but that he would vow to do better. For example, he said he would check with a professional to see if he had autism, so if the diagnosis comes back positive, he could find resources designed to help autistic people piece their lives back together.

While what he did to his employees was awful, my article called out other in the media articles that stigmatized his decision to check for a diagnosis, which is actually probably one of the best decisions Watt could have made after his behaviour went public. The articles contained some misinformation on autism too. My post ended up being my most-popular article but I eventually deleted it. Why?

This is where the update comes in. After a while, I noticed that the links I provided to the anti-diagnosis articles were not available anymore, so I deleted my article too. This was months ago, but just last night, I thought that it might be good if I provide readers with an update letting them know that the publications removed their articles.

I’m sorry for not thinking of this earlier. It’s important to provide updates on stories.



Kevin the Nonmonetized
Non-Monetized Together #svalien

Trying to see power relations, not get caught up in the hivemind, empathize with the unloved, and get along with Internet strangers