What’s The Difference Between Being an Idiot and Having a Mental Disability?

Kevin the Nonmonetized
Non-Monetized Together #svalien
2 min readJun 28, 2023
Kajetan Sumila/Unsplash

If Medium’s being annoying to you again, get down with the underground at https://write.as/non-monetized-together/whats-the-difference-between-being-an-idiot-and-having-a-mental-disability.

I am aware that Non-Monetized Together’s patient approach to online discussion isn’t exactly fashionable. A lot of people on the Internet seem to think “you can’t fix stupid” and use that as a justification to mock, provoke, and troll anybody who doesn’t understand their morals.

But I don’t see why we should treat these people any different than people who have been diagnosed with a mental disability. What’s the difference between idiot and a mentally challenged person? Well, for one thing, the latter has gotten a seal of distinction from a professional. But the second difference is that the words mental disability indicate some level of respect and understanding. When not used in a way that suggests otherwise, those words do not express the contempt that is conveyed by calling someone a moron. They instead suggest that the subject is not to blame for the way their mind works and that neurotypicals have no choice to tolerate the fact that this is the way they are.

These are the only two differences I can think of. One, idiots are not recognized as such by our institutions, and two, they are not respected for who they are. So, I decided to take inspiration from the disability rights movement and understand that maybe Internet morons are not deficient but are differently abled, that they require special needs, that they need patience and understanding. In fact, the terms idiot and moron were originally used to describe those who have a mental disability. If society can outgrow that dismissive, derogatory attitude towards the neurodivergent, I’m sure Non-Monetized Together can do the same with some of its more difficult participants.



Kevin the Nonmonetized
Non-Monetized Together #svalien

Trying to see power relations, not get caught up in the hivemind, empathize with the unloved, and get along with Internet strangers