Lying Leftist Harvard Law Prof Lawrence Lessig Inflames 2024 Instability w/ Disinformation About 2000 Bush vs. Gore

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2024


This Non-Violence publication is probably going to make it a habit to call out self-righteous Lawfare Institute Podcast guests (and hosts too, if it should ever come to that) for their lying disinformation lies. Their latest lying lie, falsely claiming that Bush in the end had fewer ballots than Gore in Florida in 2000, will only serve to continue provoking the leftwing progressive elites in charge of America’s institutions to continue abusing their power to “prevent” alleged Republican anti-democracy moves while actually weakening democracy themselves.

This Non-Violence publication has already called out Lawfare guests for lying about Israel, and a Cyberlaw podcast guest (the Cyberlaw podcast has been associated the Lawfare Institute in the past) for basically lying about the People’s Republic of China’s collection of privacy information about European Union citizens.

The worst abuse of America’s secret surveillance program so far in America’s history was when progressive leftwing elites at the Department of Justice used the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendment Act (FAA) section 702 to spy on people in the 2016 Trump Presidential campaign, accusing Trump of “colluding” with Russia. The FBI knew at the time that the dirt digging-private company Fusion GPS’s allegations about Trump and Russia were highly dubious, and yet used these allegations to spy on the Trump campaign…



Taminad Crittenden

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