Progressive Leftist Neo-Feudalism: Democratic Party States Higher Inequality than Republican States

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2023


American Democrats, Progressives, Leftists, etc. constantly claim they are fighting inequality and yet the evidence is that the states they are in charge of have greater inequality than other United States that are controlled by the Republican Party.

The Gini Coefficient measures economic inequality. The higher the number, the greater the economic inequality. Wikipedia has the Gini Coefficient statistics for United States as of 2019. If you classify states by party as listed at the end of this article in the Appendix, the average Gini Coefficient for Democratic States is a higher (indicating higher inequality) 0.47, while the Gini Coefficient for Republican States is a lower (indicating greater equality) 0.46.

This result is the same as how the United States fared under President Trump: Equality increased a bit. (Before accusing me of being a mindless MAGA Trump supporter, please read my articles advocating worker-owned and controlled businesses and basic income dividend-paying public trust funds, and then please re-assess whether such a presumption might be correct.)

Both political parties claim that the President of the United States has no significant influence on the economy when it conveniences them, and then hypocritically try to take credit when it benefits them. However, it is strange, is it not, that the result under President Trump matches the overall result of decades of each party…



Taminad Crittenden

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