Deliberately Childless Adults Impoverish Everyone, Need Global Poor to Remain Poor

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2022


People who choose not to have children depend on poor people remaining poor in order to sustain their high standards of living.

A previous article in this Non-Violence publication’s Stakeholder Control series proposed funding education in large part by levying an estate tax on the childless.

This article goes into why such a tax makes sense, and more details for how it would work.

Childless People Impoverish the Poor

In order for a human population to maintain its population numbers, not to increase or decrease much, it has to have children at a rate of around 2.1 children per female. Not two children per female: That rate is not enough because some people cannot have children, have good reasons not to want children, or unfortunately die before they can have children.

In the modern world, no country with a high standard of living has a native population that has enough children to replace themselves. If all rich countries stopped taking in immigrants, their populations would start falling, and indeed many rich countries like Germany & Italy already have falling populations despite taking in some immigrants. Japan’s population is falling even faster because they do not take in many immigrants.

Like all elderly, when a citizen of a rich country chooses not to have children, that rich person is going to need to buy food and services. Naturally…



Taminad Crittenden

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