Stakeholder Control: Democratizing the Police

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
7 min readMar 25, 2024


Police & Military Loyalty: The Foundation of Government

Every time progressive leftists pass a law to enforce one of their good ideas, they are relying completely and utterly on loyal police forces (and if things get really bad, military forces) carrying out their laws, as a previous article in this Non-Violence publication pointed out.

The most important decider of who the government actually is are the individuals serving in the police and military.

That is why the key marker of when a government has fallen is that you start to see individuals in the police and military refusing to carry out the orders of the falling government. Deliberately refusing to carry out the orders of the government is quintessential example of Police Nullification, which a previous article in this serious advocated as a practice to protect minority rights.

The police can nullify enforcement of unjust laws, or just laws but in an unjust manner, either under a non-democratic government, or even under a democratic government that is engaging in the Tyranny of the Majority.

The individual loyalty of each single police and military servicemember is the most important thing protecting democracy, or alternatively protecting an autocracy that is already in power.

Considering that police have such an important role in society, really their individual loyalties should be the #1 focus of, well, everyone really, regardless of their agenda.



Taminad Crittenden

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