United Nations Admits Some Truth: Racist Hamas Lies & Commits Mass Torture Death Rape

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2024


Honest people have recognized for decades that Hamas spreads lying lies about death figures. The current conflict that Hamas re-started is no different.

Honest people also acknowledge that the United Nations (UN) is heavily biased against Jews/Israel, as evidenced by the fact that the UN spends more than half of its effort criticizing Israel, deprioritizing literally all the other conflicts in the world to the less than half its remaining efforts.

While the UN is institutionally biased against Israel in general, its local United Nations personnel on the ground in Gaza are so much more biased that they themselves joined Hamas in committing massacres and kidnapping Jews.

And yet even the UN sometimes has to tell fewer lying lies. Without calling attention to its correction, between 6 and 8 May 2024, the UN halved its own numbers of the women and children killed in Gaza, yet again demonstrating how falsified the numbers are that Hamas provides to the UN to report.

And in the end, Hamas bears moral responsibility for all Palestinian civilian deaths, even if proximately caused by Israel, because Hamas deliberately uses the Palestinian people as human shields.

(Not the focus of this article, but also recently, on 11 March 2024, the UN finally acknowledged that Hamas committed mass torture death rape. Also, see this video of Hamas soldiers using official UN vehicles, and



Taminad Crittenden

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