Where’s the Water? Mass Consumption News Articles Fail to Address Key Issues

Taminad Crittenden
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2024


I cannot even express how many times I read major news articles that completely fail even to mention (let alone competently tackle) key, fundamental, bedrock aspects of the overall topic.

Take, for example, this article from Utah’s Deseret News about how to wrestle with the shrinking of Utah’s Great Salt Lake due to drought while addressing the growing population’s increasing water consumption needs.

The article completely fails even to mention any critical aspects of this issue, like Where is the needed water going to come from?

The article also completely fails even to mention another key aspect of this issue: It reports on the Utah state government’s new plan, but the article does not mention anything, not a single thing, that the Utah state government plans to do! Not one action!

(Ideally, desalination plants on the coast, powered by nuclear reactors, pumping water a thousand miles inland.)

AI-generated hypothetical image of a desalination plant and a nuclear power plant on the Oregon coast, sending fresh water to Utah.

The article summarizes the Utah state government’s most recent plan to deal with theses issues, but the author fails to do her job to summarize the outcome or impact for the general public.

The journalist does not tease out from the plan where any extra water, if any is available, might come from.



Taminad Crittenden

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