The revolutionisation of workplaces — building bridges between employee perks and employer benefits

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6 min readJan 24, 2020

Google, Facebook and co have led the way, many large corporations, but also smaller companies are now following suit. In 2020, the range of employee perks at work is more diverse and extensive than ever before.

A company-owned gym, team events, private health insurance and corporate childcare arrangements — the possibilities are endless. How can you as an employer best support your employees and at the same time increase their productivity and corporate loyalty?

The new approach towards a healthy work-life balance

The benefits offered by companies have long since ceased to encompass only the advantages offered in the workplace itself. If your employees have to worry about aspects such as finding available kindergarten places or affordable childcare during their free time, these worries are often carried over into their work environment and have a direct impact on the corporate culture and the associated productivity.

Employers are becoming increasingly aware of this, and the trend shifts towards creating a healthy equilibrium between private life, mental health and a balanced workplace.

To ensure that your company remains successful in the year 2020 and to promote the mental and psychological health of your employees, it is worthwhile to take a look at the wide range of possible employee benefits, which in turn have a direct influence on the attractiveness of your company as a potential employer and the personal identification of your workforce with the general success of your company.

Happy employees are more productive

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the corporate buildings of Google, Facebook and Co? Certainly their immense size and high-tech state of the art equipment, but surely also all the amenities that those companies offer their employees.

Whether every small company needs a game room or its pool is questionable. However, there are many useful processes and offers which optimise the balance between work and private life for your staff and which can be easily and quickly integrated into existing company structures.

A recent study by the University of Oxford proved that happy employees are up to 13% more productive. The more employees feel that they are respected as an individual in the workplace, the faster and more efficiently they do their job.

Especially in large multinational companies with several hundred employees in one location, it is often difficult to emphasise the added value of each worker — and even more difficult to communicate this to the respective employee.

A rethinking of what a workplace should offer has led to a new concept of what type of rewards companies provide for their workers. So-called benefit systems aim to make the corporate atmosphere as pleasant as possible and at the same time to optimise the work-life balance.

A win-win situation for employers and employees. A trend that first established itself in large American companies such as Facebook and Google is increasingly gaining recognition around in Europe.

Types of employee benefits

The list of employment benefits varies from company to company, but the basic aim is to make the workplace as carefree and pleasant as possible. The list below highlights some perks that might be attractive for your business.

Creating pet-friendly environments

Dogs are our best friends, so it is quite normal that we like to have our furry companions around us all the time. Just like landlords, employers are becoming increasingly pet-friendly.

Even with a regular 40 hour week, many employees spend more time at work. Overtime has long been a part of our everyday life, especially in higher positions.

Companies like Uber and Airbnb are aware of this and allow employees to bring their pets to work.

And let’s face it, wouldn’t it make your office a lot more pleasant if you had a few furry friends around?

Providing a gym on-site or corporate gym memberships

Recent studies have shown that exercise can increase productivity by up to 72%.

Is there already a gym in your office complex? Great, your employees will be happy that they don’t have to commute after work to exercise and can even jump on the treadmill during their lunch break.

Or is there perhaps a gym nearby that offers corporate arrangements? Consider asking them for more information. Your employees will thank you for saving them the sometimes very high monthly costs.

Organising team building events

We spend most of our lives at work, often with the same people. It makes our day to day operations much nicer when we can talk to them, even about things outside of work.

If your company has its own restaurant, you have set the first milestone to facilitate communication among your employees. If this is not the case, it is a good idea to organise a joint meal in a restaurant or directly at the workplace at regular intervals.

Other team-building events could also be considered. The range of offers and ideas is incredibly extensive.

Arranging lifelong learning courses

Learning new things is fun, keeps our brains healthy and helps to maintain the success of your company in the long run. Why hire new external staff members when you already have a large number of competent employees at your premises?

Invest in the training of your employees and create new areas of competence internally. Just take a look at which institutes or private teachers in your area offer lifelong learning courses.

Teachers often come to your office. Are several employees interested in a specific topic? Great, organise an evening course and at the same time invest in a team-building activity.

Establishing B2B Childcare concepts

It is no secret that it is often more difficult to find a kindergarten place than a job. The waiting time can be up to 6 months.

Private childcare is often expensive, and the demand is higher than the actual supply. So what can you do?

Revolutionary benefit systems including B2B childcare concepts provide help. And offer a solution that supports both the employer and the employee.

Many childcare providers work specifically with companies for this very reason, offering attractive arrangements for employees. Show your workers that you value them not only in their daily office routine but that you also care about supporting them in their private lives.

The benefits of corporate childcare providers like NonaCare
A recent study has shown that 91% of employees with children consider the compatibility of work and family to play at least as important a role as salary when choosing an employer. In this case, if private life and business life are not compatible, you may be excluded as a potential employer well in advance.

If you offer your employees flexible working hours, you are taking a first step towards helping them. But what happens if no kindergarten place can be found? What if the private babysitter cancels at short notice?

On average 8–10 working days are missed by an employee with children per year because of the state childcare breakdowns. Prevention is better than aftercare. Prevent employee breakdowns and offer your employees safe and reliable childcare arrangements.

Nona carefully customisable benefits packages for any company size

54% of companies that offer childcare services or assistance report a positive
impact on absenteeism, reducing days missed up to 30%.

Corporate childcare services such as Nona Care are revolutionising the job market and making a major contribution to optimising the work-life balance.
Nona Care offers customisable benefits packages for any company size so that you always find the right package for your company and acts as a middleman between certified caregivers and your staff. It uses AI to find the right caregiver for your individual needs — all at the touch of a button in one app.
Nona Care is an easy to use tool that considers the benefits for both the employee and the employer. For instance, as an employer, you can view in your dashboard how much you can save by using Nonacare.

Never before has it been so easy to balance career and family.

The new concept of workplaces in the year 2020 — make your company fit for the future.
Job offers and jobs are no longer what they were 10 years ago. Large corporations and start-ups have shown the way and have forced their competitors to follow suit.

Applicants have adapted their requirements with regard to their potential future employer to this movement and their needs are constantly increasing. Don’t fall by the wayside and make your company fit for the years to come.

The implementation of a rewards system into existing company processes has never been so easy, diverse and at the same time customisable. Show your employees that you appreciate and support them even beyond the regular business activities and strengthen the sense of community within your company.

Because of the higher the employee loyalty and retention, the higher the productivity and the associated turnover.




Nona.Care is an AI powered solution for corporate childcare.