Book Review #19 for 2019: Fearless Facilitation by Cyndi Maxey and Kevin E. O’Connor

Mike Scott
Nona Digital
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2019


I am doing more and more training, speaking, panels and facilitation so I have been looking for resources to sharpen my skills in this regard.

Fearless Facilitation is a useful set of advices and tools for anyone that does public speaking, training or facilitation.

It reminded me that staying curious, trusting myself and remaining open at all times are the keys to success in these areas. Too often when we are standing in front of an audience with the mic, we think that we need to have all the answers and that we are expected to be the smartest person in the room — this couldn't be further from the truth and this book is great reminder of that.

The book is useful in that it gives tips and tools right from preparation and pre-work to different techniques to get the most out of your audience all the way through to ending a session and what happens after that.

There wasn’t anything that extraordinary about the book but I did find it useful.

I’d recommend this book if you are someone that is in a position that requires to engage groups of people as a facilitator or leader.



Mike Scott
Nona Digital

Co-founder and CEO of NONA | Dad & Husband | Business Coach | Entrepreneur | Writer | Cyclist | Runner | Habit optimiser.