Book review #24 of 2019. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.

Mike Scott
Nona Digital
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2019


I have consumed a huge amount of content on marketing and sales over the past year and this book is my new favourite by some margin.

From the outset, Miller offers well thought out, very practical steps that we can take to better communicate with our customers in a way that they actually want to be communicated to.

Miller invites us to think of our clients and as the hero of the story and to think of our businesses as the hero’s guide.

We are in business to solve a problem and to deliver and extract value and the most effective way that we can reach our clients in a way that they want to be reached is to see ourselves as their guides to the other side of the problem, fear or challenge that they are experiencing. It’s simple but, in my experience, seldom practiced — too often we make it all about us.

Miller gives additional resources that the reader can access which converts this from a useful read to an implementation playbook.

There is also an interesting perspective discussed around using the same narrative within our teams in our businesses. I guess it’s not surprising — people are people and whether we are staff, clients or anything else we all want to be at the center of our experience.

I absolutely intend to begin putting a lot of what he offers into practice and am excited about the results and clarity that I suspect it will bring.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that has clients or staff that they believe they could reach in a more effective manner.



Mike Scott
Nona Digital

Co-founder and CEO of NONA | Dad & Husband | Business Coach | Entrepreneur | Writer | Cyclist | Runner | Habit optimiser.