Positive Luxury — A Platform for Positive Living

Nona Digital
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2018

A Nona Creative Build

Positive Luxury is the brainchild of UK-based entrepreneurs, Diana Verde Nieto and Karen Hanton. The platform was created in 2011, and designed to connect consumers to luxury brands that are committed to sustainability, while providing these brands with sustainability assessments, and helping them identify opportunities for improvement.

In August 2016, Nona took over Positive Luxury’s development work, becoming the brand’s tech partner. In the time since, our team has worked on several aspects of the site, and continues to do so, as part of a monthly retainer.

Redeveloping the front-end

Working alongside Positive Luxury’s in-house designer, our developers rebuilt the site’s front-end. This was done in Python Django, which, at the time, was a new programme for the team. There were a number of challenges involved in the process, including integrating and maintaining the Django and Node.Js API logging, and serving analytics data for third-party sites through a tracking script, as well as upgrading the old Django system — with minimal backwards compatibility readily available.

When the platform partnered with Selfridges in early 2017, Nona was also asked to integrate the API with the high-end department store’s mobile application and website.

Setting Up eCommerce

In October 2017, Positive Luxury expanded its offering, giving users the opportunity to shop sustainable brands on the platform. This required developing a bespoke e-commerce functionality, with drop-shipping integration, and secure online payments, through PayPal and Stripe.

Positive Stats

Our work so far has been fruitful, with the site sessions increasing by 59.1% and page views going up by 44.14%.

Currently, Nona is in the process of improving the search functionality, in an effort to help users easily find the individual products and experiences they’re looking for, and to increase sales and conversions. The team is also working to improve the overall UI, and better distinguish the E-commerce and sustainability assessment sections of the site.

Our next steps involve gaining better insight into user behaviour through various tools, and using the findings to create, and maintain, the best possible experience for our client, and their customers.

Contact Nona Creative — a leading software development studio and blockchain consultancy, based in Cape Town, South Africa.



Nona Digital

We are a leading software development studio with a focus on blockchain consultation and smart contract development. Contact: studio@nona.digital.