First of all… Introducing Non Binary Blog

Jay Skywalker
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2020
Oh hello there

Hello and welcome to the Non Binary blog™. Another corner of the internet where Okiki and I have decided to share our hot takes(pretend that we have sense and prove that we are not frauds). But first, let us take care of some FAQs.

Q: Why not Just tweet your hot takes in an incoherent thread or send newsletters like everyone else?”

A: “Because nuance is often lost on twitter, and the room to expand on any broad and touchy topic is almost non-existent. Also, newsletters require commitment which we probably do not have the time for.”

Q: Why the name Non Binary?”

A: “Internet conversations have been saturated with identity porn and binary posturing on who is right or wrong, good or bad, left or right. These have prevented people from having honest conversations and considering both sides. Nothing and no one is wholly evil or good(except Manchester United, they’re terrible) we want to be able to ramble on any topic of our choice without being shackled to the binaries of identity.”

Q: What topics should readers be expecting”

A: “Topics on the financial services industry, regulation, the occasional tech and hot topic discussions would also be written on(heaven permitting). We have a series demystifying banking in the works, which would be inspired from our experience in the industry. (Contributors welcome)”

**We hope to get more people(other than Lade and Oyin) to read this. Till next time.




Jay Skywalker

I can be found on the corridors of Finance and Technology, empowerment through education and fostering political harmony in Nigeria. These are notes to myself.