Indie Authors, Publishers, and Advocates Discussed the Future of Publishing

We covered opportunities, collaboration, an ethic of care, proactivity, and new entities in one Clubhouse call

Sharon Woodhouse
Nonfiction Publishing


Five people sitting in the grass smiling, laughing, and looking at the contents of two books.
Another fun day of authors collaborating and supporting each other in the great outdoors. Photo by Noriko Cooper.

Last night I had the opportunity to discuss thoughts on the future of publishing with a small panel of indie authors, publishers, and advocates[1] from different arenas in what was also for some of us our first Clubhouse[2] call. We focused on the publishing world that exists outside the domain of the NYC houses.

What we talked about could be grouped in three main areas with overlapping points and themes: opportunities, care/support, and proactivity.


Global reach

One massive area of opportunity touched on was global reach, thinking beyond the borders of the U.S. to an international audience. For perspective, language barriers aside, the U.S. population is 328.2 million and the world population is 7.8 billion — over 23 times larger.

Content entrepreneurship

We are entering into a new era of increased opportunities for content entrepreneurs and a growing creator/passion economy. This requires ongoing learning, implementing, and optimizing…



Sharon Woodhouse
Nonfiction Publishing

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, and project manager. She was an indie book publisher for 25 years.