My Crypto Heroes (MCH): ArtEdit Colors’ Secrets

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6 min readMar 20, 2019

Do you know MyCryptoHeroes? The most popular blockchain (or crypto-game) game in 2019! NonFungible listed MCH recently.

We propose today to discover the secrets of one of the main features of the game, ArtEdit, which will open up a whole new dimension of gameplay!

The feature

Most of you already know, in order to sell your precious MCH characters, you have to edit the art picture before making a transfer to the Ethereum blockchain. Here’s how :

  1. Go to your inventory, you’ll find when clicking on the top right burger

2) Choose the character you want to edit and then push the “Art Edit” button

3) Now download the original with a right-click, let your creativity speak and then push the “Choose a file” button.
Of course, you can choose the file you want, but don’t forget to read and respect all the art edit rules and notes

But some of you don’t want to sell your characters, only change your character’s hair color. And when you did, you’ve noticed something else: changing the art picture also changes the character’s skill and stats.

This change is one of the My Crypto Heroes' easter egg, and probably the closest from their slogan “Your time and passion will become asset”.
Every pixel you add or subtract from the art picture, there will be an incidence on your character’s stats and if you’re good enough, the skill.

Have you ever asked yourself “How is this working?”, why some players made (sometimes) super-strong awful characters or why your most beautiful creation didn’t have the skill you hoped?
What will happen if Julius Ceasar had a hammer? More strength? And what if Lady Sun had a rifle instead of a bow?
Is this 100% random or is there any logic? Is it even fair?

Rifle vs Bow

Colours & Skills

Don’t worry, there is logic but also, a bit of magic. Why? Because all the fun and magic come from creation, draws, new ideas, new colors mix… And who knows? You might be able to find something before everyone else just by trying something new, so it’s important to keep expressing yourself!
So what’s the logic? The first one is to change the dominance of colors to give you the “basic” skills:

  • The Black will give you the “Black Shout

Effect: Inflict 40–50% of INT worth of damage to the forefront enemy.

  • The Red will give you the “Red Strike

Effect: Inflict 40–60% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy.

  • The Blue will give you the “Blue Blossom

Effect: Raise your forefront party member’s INT / AGI by 10% of INT value.

  • The Green will give you the “Green Wreath

Effect: Raise your forefront party member’s PHY / AGI by 15% of INT value.

  • The Yellow will give you the “Yellow Blast

Effect: Decline forefront enemy’s INT by 10% of INT value.

  • The Cyan will give you the “Cyan Frost

Effect: Decline forefront enemy’s PHY by 10% of INT value.

  • The Magenta will give you the “Magenta Mushroom

Effect: Inflict 20–40% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy and you may inflict confusion effects to forefront enemy.

  • The White will give you the “White Candy

Effect: Recover your whole party by 20%.

Before telling you the second logic, let’s be precise, the skill I’m talking about is the active one. It won’t affect the passive one in any way.

Active Skill of my powerful warrior

Patterns & advanced skills

So now let’s speak about some “advanced” skills. They are a bit more tricky to acquire, you will need: time and passion. You will achieve to have these skills by drawing something. Let’s be clear: I will not describe you “how to draw a hat” but “Hat is the key to get this skill”. DIY or DYOR, make your choice:

  • The Cat will give you the “ Purr Purr Punch” skill

Effect: Inflict 40% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy and raise your AGI by 5%.

  • The Dog will give you the “ Innocent Loyalty” skill

Effect: Inflict 40% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy and recover yourself by 10%.

  • The Monkey will give you the “Monkey Magic” skill

Effect: Inflict 30% of INT worth of damage to the forefront enemy and you may inflict confusion effects to the forefront enemy.

  • The Bird will give you the “High Flyer” skill

Effect: Raise your AGI by 10%.

  • The Snake will give you the “ Sidewinder” skill

Effect: Inflict 40% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy and you may poison the forefront enemy.

  • The Boy’s Face will give you the “Chuunibyou” skill

Effect: Inflict 30% of INT worth of damage to the forefront enemy and decline INT of forefront enemy by 5% of INT value.

  • The Girl will give you the “Girl’s Talk” skill

Effect: Inflict 30% of INT worth of damage to the forefront enemy and raise INT of yourself by 5% of INT value.

  • The Wink will give you the “Goddess Wink” skill

Effect: Inflict 40% of PHY worth of damage to the forefront enemy and decline PHY of forefront enemy by 5% of INT value.

  • The Suite will give you the “Gentleman’s Dignity” skill

Effect: Recover yourself by 20% and raise your INT by 5% of INT value.

  • The Hat will give you the “Hat Trick” skill

Effect: Repeat inflicting 15% of PHY worth of damage to forefront enemy 3 times.

  • The Glasses will give you the “Glasses Effect” skill

Effect: Raise your INT by 5% and decline forefront enemy’s INT by 5% of INT value

  • The Car will give you the “Full Throttle” skill

Effect: Raise your AGI by 5% and decline forefront enemy’s AGI by 5% of AGI value

  • The Tree or Forest will give you the “Relaxing in the forest” skill

Effect: Recover your whole party by 10% and recover the party member with the lowest HP by 10%.

  • The American Nation Flag will give you the “Statue of Liberty” skill

Effect: Inflict 10% of PHY worth of damage to all enemies and decline all enemy’s PHY by 5% of PHY value.

Now you have the keys to make your characters adapted to your strategy.
I hope you’ll have fun mixing the colors, making a cat with a fancy hat, trying new combinations… Because they are all waiting you dress them in the perfect outfit!

Be part of family!

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