We have a winner AND a mascot!!!

Gauthier Zuppinger
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019

The contest to find a mascot for the NFT ecosystem was launched by NonFungible.com on April 29th.

The extended voting period ended yesterday, Sunday 06.02.2019 and the mascot of the NFT space was finally selected by the community.

Please warmly welcome NoAH, the adventurer!

Congratulations to Marvin Mejias, NoAH’s designer for his incredible artwork! We‘ll reach you soon to send you the prize.

For reminder the complete list of prizes is available here:

The contest run

  • 2 weeks of mascot proposals
  • 2 weeks of voting
  • 1 extended week of voting
  • 62 mascots proposed during the first phase
  • 20 ETH ($ 5,240 / 4,690 €) NFT and cryptocurrency reward accumulated for the designer of the winning mascot
  • 2000 MANA ($ 120/100 €) for a random voter having selected the winning mascot

NoAH, the adventurer, and NFT Mascot

Do you want to know more about NoAH? Here is his story:

NoAH is one of those characters that are born of divine inspiration, their existence is a mystery as well as their provenance. He says it comes from the past, at some point he was helping humans to evolve, one day he entered an unknown portal, closed his eyes and appeared in the current world, he does not know how or why, however he has the goal of venturing into this world to know about as we have evolved.

The final results

The 2 000 MANA winner

Exactly 89 voters supported NoAH’s candidacy, and thus had a chance to win the 2,000 MANA involved.

We used a random selection algorithm to choose the winner …

Congratulations to ch[…]88@gmail.com !

We will contact you very soon to send 2,000 MANA.

Thank you…

To the entire NFT community
For having followed and supported the event, having shared the contest with all your communities. None of this would have been possible without you.

To the dozens of artists
Who came together, who produced unique and exclusive artwork for the contest! Your talent is probably one of the most valuable assets in the community.

To all our partners
Who supported the event from the beginning, shared the key moments of the contest with their communities, and helped build this breathtaking prize pool! Please have a look at these incredible projects:

Thanks to you all, this contest has become exactly what we wanted it to be:

An event organized BY the NFT community FOR the NFT community

What’s next?

This mascot has been created and shared under Creative Commons. Everyone is now free to use, modify, and distribute NoAH artwork, publications, mail, leaflet…

NonFungible.com DOESN’T own the mascot! The NFT community owns it!

Feel free to use it as you want, because now, NoAH is yours! :)

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