Brand Identity for Nonprofits

Vince Lindenmeyer
Nonprofit Beacon 4Sight
2 min readOct 2, 2022

A Case Study: The Black Votes Matter Institute of Community Engagement transitions to The Black Votes Matter (BVM) Institute struggled with a brand identity. Many people would often conflate the Black Votes Matter emphasis with the Black Lives Matter movement. We were able to transition the BVM Institute’s broader mission to the Institute for Urban Development or Additional information, including the mission, if found here: website, — The Institute for Urban Development
The BVM Tour Logo is the active brand for the national BVM Youth Tour, a civil-right movement trail bus tour.

The Institute has kept the Black Votes Matter moniker because of its brand recognition across a limited demographic; however, the brand allows a greater reach. The Founder of and BVM Institute is Preston Love Jr.

Preston Love, Jr. is the tour curator for the North Omaha Legacy Tour

We also supported the BVM Youth Tour in determining Trip Efficacy: The BVM Institute began a 2018 BVM “Face-to-Face with Black History” tour. In 2019, we implemented a sensemaking story collection as part of the tour. We also employed microlearning to prepare each stop. Both initiatives had resounding success contributing to a final report instrumental in increasing funding 6x to $100K. The final report is here: Beacon 4Sight Group has an ongoing relationship with through website maintenance, social media presence, and strategic communications.

Beacon 4sight Group assists women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities in fulfilling their dream to start nonprofit organizations, support compliance, fundraising, marketing brand strategies, and nonprofit advisement. Beacon 4sight Group is a registered tradename of the CFOUR Foundation LLC. CFOUR Foundation LLC ( actively supports women, minorities, veterans, persons with disabilities, and the formerly incarcerated in starting non-profits and businesses to thrive and achieve economic growth for equality and justice.

Contact Beacon 4sight Group today to help with starting the nonprofit of your dreams, becoming fully compliant, designing a donor-centric website, or creating a strategy to sustain your nonprofit to thrive.



Vince Lindenmeyer
Nonprofit Beacon 4Sight

Entrepreneur — Educator — Veteran — Creating Economic Growth for Equality & Justice