What a (Millennial) Girl Really Wants in the Workplace

Brea Reimer-Baum
Nonprofit Leadership Toolbox
3 min readJul 16, 2019

I’ve been a Millennial my entire life. (That’s a joke for those of you now wondering how many IQ points I possess.) For better or worse, Millennials are one of the most grossly over-stereotyped groups from research groups, social media posts, and news teams. Whether you’re of another great generation looking for ways to engage your Millennial employees at work or a Millennial seeking solace in a fellow Millennial’s rantings, here are some things this Millennial Girl appreciates in the professional workplace.

Flexibility (and a boss who understands.) I know that there are days that I’ll work after the clock hits 5. But I also know I have a boss who’s okay with me leaving a few hours early on a Friday when family is in town or is flexible around doctors appointments in the middle of the day. This includes not being forced to take PTO when you’ve got a headache that just won’t quit at 2 in the afternoon or having the ability to work from home for a few hours when the furnace repair guy is due in that oh-so-convenient 5 hour window.

Collaboration. As a Millennial, I have worked the spectrum of office space: remote from home, co-working from coffee shops, open-concept offices, a cubicle, and a closed office space. One thing I value every time the opportunity arises is collaboration. Yes, there are those days that you need 8–9 hours to just crank stuff out, but when it comes to producing content, ideas, and programs, collaboration is key. As an introvert I tend to have the initial reaction of dreading so many people on one project. But as ideas start getting tossed around, I find myself valuing the multifaceted discussion that ultimately ends in the best product possible. We’ve been doing group projects since 2nd grade science- use that in the workplace!

Candidness. We’ve had things sugar-coated since elementary school, and it’s starting to wear. Having a boss and coworkers who are honest with me, especially when it comes to performance reviews, has been more beneficial than I realized at the time and has helped me to increase my effectiveness and build my skill set.

Please note: candidness does not replace tact. There is a time, a place, and a way to give feedback and to be honest at work.

Anti-ageism. Maybe this goes without saying, but just in case… Some Millennials are turning 38 this year. The youngest are turning 23. We are not teenagers just getting the keys to our first cars. Some of us have held multiple professional positions, and some just a few. Regardless, many Millennials will have had life experiences unique to the generation we grew up in and therefore bring a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and beliefs that bring incalculable value to any workplace team. Don’t judge what a person can bring to the proverbial table before you even take a seat.

And last but certainly not least: Good coffee (and tea.) Yes, seriously. We are a generation who has been drinking Starbucks since 8th grade and now love our morning/late morning/noon/afternoon/early evening caffeine. Having a decent quality coffee with a small selection of tea helps everyone (including Millennials) get through the energy drops of the day and not continue the unhealthy habit of $5/drink coffee runs. A good cup of coffee readily available from the break room is a small way to start everyone’s day off right and keep it going strong.

